Table of Contents



& (ampersand), background processes, 361, 384
* asterisk wildcard, 353
<!> (bang character), recalling prior commands, 107
! command, 327
{} (curly brackets), character matching, 359
$ (dollar sign), user account, 109
.. (double dot), path names, 305, 308
/ (forward slash) character
directory separator, 115
root directory, 266, 304
> (greater than) symbol, redirecting output to files, 355
< (less than) symbol, redirecting input to commands/programs, 355
| (pipe), multiple processes, 385
# (pound sign)
shell script comments, 368
superuser account, 109
$ prompt, Bourne shell, 340
% prompt, C shell, 340
? (question mark) wildcard, 354
; (semicolon), delimiting commands, 360
. (single dot), path names, 305, 308
[] (square bracket) expression, 354
~ (tilde character), home directory reference, 108
+x option, chmod command, 366


A News program, 658
A records, DNS, 509
<a> command, vi, 191
A tags
HREF attribute, 624
HTML, 623
NAME attribute, 625
abandoning file changes in vi, q! command, 186
abort string, chat program, 571
absolute path names, 305
accelerated chipsets, XFree86, 428
access methods for Web sites, 597
access policies, physical system access, 237
access.conf file, Apache, 677, 684
access.config file, CGI security, 715
AccessFileName directive, Apache, 685
Account PAM module, 247
accounts, 106
adding, 108
Red Hat Linux options, 111
dial-up passwords, 251
home directories, 110
Linux configuration, 101
logouts, 108
passwd command, account security options, 250
passwords, 110
changing, 113
shadowing, 249
PPP service, 573
root, 108
accounts without passwords, 239
command accounts, 240
default accounts, 239
group accounts, 240
guest accounts, 239
logins, 238
root, security, 244
unused accounts, 239
shells, 110
SLIP service, 568
superuser, 164
switching, su command, 110
deleting groups, 223
disabling logins, 222
groups, 223
logins, 220
managing, 220
names, 109
passwords, 220
removing, 222-223
verifying, 110
pwck program, 250
activating swap partition, swapon command, 72
active Internet connection fields, netstat program, 494-495
active UNIX domain sockets, netstat program, 495-496
active windows, X Windows, 440
add argument, route program, 491
Add User dialog box, Red Hat Linux, 112
AddDescription directive, Apache, 691
AddEncoding directive, Apache, 687
AddIcon directive, Apache, 689
AddIconbyEncoding directive, Apache, 690
AddIconbyType directive, Apache, 690
gateway routes to routing table, 492
partitions, 97
routes to routing table, 491
user accounts, 220
AddLanguage directive, Apache, 701
ADDRESS tags, HTML, 620
e-mail, 632
IP, 469
Web pages, 620
see also IP addresses
AddType directive, Apache, 686-688
adduser command, 108, 221
adduser script, SLIP service accounts, 568
administration, networks
installing applications or modems, 174
peripherals, 174
system setup, 173
UNIX networks, 172
user accounts, 174
Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX), 25
advantages of Linux
applications, 18
corporate/professional, 18
educational, 18-19
hackers, 19
portability, 17
reasons for using Linux, 15-16
AgentLog directive, Apache, 696
Alias directive, Apache, 687
aliases, 325
Apache config scripts, 677
commands, 116, 364-365
e-mail, 645
sendmail, 529
ALIGN attribute, IMG tags, 626
ALL address, 470
allocating partition space
fdisk program, 98
Red Hat Linux, 71
allow directive, Apache, 702
AllowOverride directive, Apache, 685
Alpha-based systems, Red Hat Linux installs, 83-85
Alt + function keys, switching virtual terminals, 338
alt.* newsgroups, 533, 660
ALT=text attribute, IMG tags, 626
AltaVista search engine, 599
alternate text, non-graphic browsers, 626
ampersand (&) operator, background processes, 361, 384
Analyze Kernel functions, Kernel Module Manager, 92
anchors, Web pages, 623-625
animations, server-push, 713
anonymous FTP, 580, 586-588, 601
anonymous FTP searches, archie, 602
access.conf file, 684
AccessFileName directive, 685
AddDescription directive, 691
AddEncoding directive, 687
AddIcon directive, 689
AddIconbyEncoding directive, 690
AddIconbyType directive, 690
AddLanguage directive, 701
AddType directive, 686-688
AgentLog directive, 696
Alias directive, 687
allow directive, 702
AllowOverride directive, 685
as-is files, 701-702, 713
AuthDBMGroupFile directive, 705
AuthDBMUserFile directive, 705
AuthGroupFile directive, 704
AuthName directive, 704
AuthType directive, 704
AuthUserFile directive, 704
bad user/group name error messages, 680
BindAddress directive, 707
child processes
httpd_monitor tracking, 712
limiting algorithm, 710
managing, 710
editing config file, 672
make command, 673
#config directive, 694
configurable logging, 696
configuration file, editing for server install, 672
configure script, 673
configuring, 684
access.conf file, 677
basic setup, 674
directives, 674
Group directive, 676
httpd.conf file, 675
logging directory, 676
root directories, 676
script aliases, 677
server host name, 676
server root, 676
srm.conf file, 676
TCP/IP ports, 675
user IDs, 675
Virtualhost directive, 675
content-type negotiation, 699-700
cookies, 695
customized error messages, 707
DBM files, password/group membership lookups, 705
DefaultIcon directive, 690
deny directive, 702
Directory container, 684
DirectoryIndex directive, 689
document root, 674
#echo directive, 694
ErrorDocument directive, 707
#exec directive, 693
FancyIndexing directive, 689
#flastmod directive, 694
#fsize directive, 694
HeaderName directive, 690
host-based access control, 702
htaccess files, directory access, 712
human-language negotiation, 701
#include directive, 693
IndexIgnore directive, 690
IndexOptions directive, 691
initial server startup error messages, 680
LanguagePriority directive, 701
Limit container, 684
automatic rotation, 713
system location, 674
LogFormat directive, 697-698
logging, 696-698
MaxSpareServers setting, 711
MinSpareServers setting, 711
mod_log_config module, 697
modules, 673, 693
open file error messages, 679
performance tuning, 712, 717
persistent processes, 710
PidFile directive, 708
port and bind error messages, 680
protecting resources, 703
ReadmeName directive, 690
Redirect directive, 688
RefererIgnore directive, 696
RefererLog directive, 696
require directive, 704
ResourceConfig file, 684
root directory, indexes, 679
scoreboard files, 711
ScriptAlias directive, 688
security, 714
CGI scripts, 714
publicly-writable spaces, 716
server-side includes, 715
symbolic links, 715
server requests, MaxClients limit, 711
server root, 673
server status message recipient, 676
server-push animations, 713
server-side includes, 693, 712
srm.conf file, 684
debugging problems, 679
init script, 677-678
StartServers setting, 711
timefmt directive, 695
Timeout directive, 708
TypesConfig directive, 686
user authentication, 704
UserDir directive, 692
virtual hosts, 705
Web server, 672
processes, 679
Apache-SSL, secure Web transactions, 681
apostrophes, command substitution, 357
append command, vi, 191
Application layer, OSI model, 467
applications, 18
configuring, 146
installing on networks, 174
networks, 172
see also programs
apropos command, help options, 114
anonymous FTP searches, 602
quitting, 604
servers, 602
set search command, 604
show search command, 604
architecture of sendmail, 525
backups, 227
compressing, 230
copying, cpio command, 232-233
directories, 231-232
tar utility, 229
AllowOverride directive, Apache, 685
dip program, 562
fsck command, 279
httpd, 679
ifconfig, 486-487
mkfs command, 287
mount command, 270
netstat program, 493
rcp command, 592
rlogin command, 589-590
route program, 491
rsh command, 590
/sbin/route, 490
ssh command, 593
telnet, 578
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 464
arrow keys, cursor positioning
emacs, 548
vi, 189
art, see graphics
article-selection mode, rn newsreader, 667
e-mail replies, 664
follow-ups, 665
headers, 664
posting, 663-665
reading, 664
threads, 664
Usenet, 656-657
asterisks (*) for emphasis, 662
limiting distribution, 660
posting, 657
as-is files, Apache, 701-702, 713
ascii command, FTP, 585
ash command shell, rescue utilities, 213
Usenet article emphasis, 662
wildcard, 353
asynchronous TCP/IP connections., 173
at command
scheduling processes, 362
specific time task scheduling, 386-387
troubleshooting, 391
AT&T, UNIX development, 23
attributes, HTML tags, 613-614
A tags, 624
IMG tags, 626
audio CDs, workbone CD player, 120
Auth PAM module, 247
AuthDBMGroupFile directive, Apache, 705
AuthDBMUserFile directive, Apache, 705
Apache, 704
PPP service, CHAP options, 574
verifying user identity, 246
AuthGroupFile directive, Apache, 704
AuthName directive, Apache, 704
AuthType directive, Apache, 704
AuthUserFile directive, Apache, 704
autodetecting hardware, LISA program, 92
automatic command completion feature, 107
automatic logfile rotation, Apache, 713
automating backups, 231-233


B News program, 658
B tags, HTML, 618
background processes, 361, 384
continuing after logout, 398
detailed data via ps command flags, 395-397
monitoring, 394
nesting deep, 362
scheduling, 388-390
spawning child processes, 385
specific time scheduling, 386
terminating, 400-402
backquotes, command substitution, 357
backslash (\), ignoring single characters, 371
backups, 226, 246
archives, 227
automating, 233
cpio command, 232-233
directories, 231-232
documentation, 226
indexes, 228, 233
kernel, 255
saving prior versions, 258
media types, 226
planning, 227-228
restoring system, 227-230
scheduling issues, 226-228
storage issues, 227-228
subdirectories, 231-232
tar utility, 229-230
utilities, 229
verifying, 227
bad user/group name error messages, Apache, 680
network planning, 480
Usenet, 657
bang character <!>, recalling prior commands, 107
bash shell, 340
checking TERM variable, 181
configuring newsreaders, 534
basic Apache configuration, 674
batch command, scheduling processes/commands, 362, 388
batch processes, 382
BBSs (Bulletin Board Services), 532, 656
bc calculator, 122
-bd flag, sendmail, 525
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), UNIX development, 24
big-movement keys
emacs, 549
vi, 190
/bin directory, binaries, 266
binaries, /bin directory, 266
binary command, FTP, 585
binary files
sending via e-mail, 632
transfers, FTP, troubleshooting, 589
viewing file contents (od command), 327-329
BIND (Berkeley Internet Domain server), 502
bind error messages, Apache, 680
BindAddress directive, Apache, 707
bits, Physical layer, 468
block-special devices, 309
body section, Web pages, 613
BODY tags, HTML, 613-615
bold text, Web pages, 618
Boolean Web searches, 600
boot disks
DEC Alpha installs, 84
rawrite program, 61
Red Hat Linux, 41, 82
boot floppies, Linux install, 90-91
boot records, partitions, 42
boot-time services
file system mounting, 271
Red Hat Linux, 80-81
booting, 206-212
boot managers, 213-214
/etc/inittab files, 211-212
floppy disks, 212-213
init scripts, 209-210
configuration, 214-215
installing, 214
log file entries, 206-207
rc.local files, 210
rc3.d directories, 209
run levels, 208, 211-212
shell scripts, 208-209
BOTTOM attribute, IMG tags, 626
Bourne shell
$ prompt, 340
environment variables, 345
BR tags, HTML, 617
distributed processing, 169
networks, 477, 482
browsers, 596-597, 610
alternate text, non-graphic browsers, 626
Netscape, telnet configuration, 605
archie, 602
FTP, 601
gopher, 605
telnet, 604
Usenet, 606
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), UNIX development, 24
BSD386, 24
BTW (By The Way), 657
buffers, 119
emacs, 541
multiple buffer editing, 540
opening, 547
saving files, 547
text storage, 180
vi, saving, 187
bug fix packages, OpenLinux, Red Hat Linux, 39-40
Linux install issues, 31
network topology, 170


C compilers
Apache compilation, 672
installing for kernel rebuild, 255
C News program, 658
C shell (csh), 340
checking TERM variable, 181
configuring newsreaders, 534
percent sign (%) prompt, 340
caching name servers, 508
calculator program, 451
Caldera OpenLinux, 88
update/bug fix packages, 40
commercial programs, 22-23
OpenLinux Base operating system, 23
technical support, 22
Windows Application Binary Interface, 21
Web site, online catalog, 23, 88
canceling e-mail messages, 633
capturing screen images, xv program, 448
carbon copies of e-mail messages, 644
carriage returns, command termination, 360
case structures, menu shell script, 372
cat command, 326
list, e-mail carbon copies, 644
Mail, LAN-based messaging, 518
cd command
changing directories, 115
FTP, 584
CD-ROM contents, 823-826
CD-ROM drives
Linux install issues, 34
mounting, 150
OpenLinux install, 90
Red Hat Linux install, 38, 59, 65
supported, 776-777
CD-Writers supported, 778
CDE window manager, 444
CDs, workbone CD player, 120
centralized processing, 166
dumb terminals, 167
front-end processors, 167
modems, 168
multiport adapters, 168
servers, 167
smart terminals, 167
CGI scripts, Apache security, 714
change commands
emacs, 553
vi, 195-196
changing directories, 114
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), secretkeys, 574
character and escape sequences, chat program, 571
character matching, curly brackets, 359
character-special devices, 309
chat program
abort string, 571
character and escape sequences, 571
combining with pppd program, 573
command-line options, 569
chat scripts, 570
checking file systems for damage/corruption, 279
chfn command, changing finger data, 221
child processes, Apache, 384
httpd_monitor tracking, 712
limiting algorithm, 710
managing, 710
servers, 679
chmod command, 311-312
+x option, 366
file permissions, 241, 366
CIFS (Common Internet File System), 292
classes of IP addresses, 470
clean bit, ext2 file system, 279
clear command, clearing screen, 117
messaging, 519
networks, 171
systems, 424
clients, 597
swais, 608
Usenet, configuring, 534
X Windows, 424
clock, configuring
Linux, 100
Red Hat Linux, 79
cloning, see forking
Linux, 119
see also quitting
CNAME records, DNS, 509, 512
-color flag, 351
color highlighting, file types, 351
color output, file listings, 320-321
combined lists, Web pages, 622
command accounts, security, 240
command aliases, 380
command auto-completion feature, 107
command groups, subshells, 360
command keys, Tetris, 124
command line or prompt
adding user accounts, 111
fsck command, 279
httpd, 679
ifconfig, 486-487
mkfs command, 287
mount command, 270
netstat program, 493
rcp command, 592
rlogin command, 589-590
route program, 491
rsh command, 590
/sbin/route, 490
ssh command, 593
telnet, 578
copying text, 107
entering commands, 106
interpreter, see shells
cpio command, 232
DOSEMU program, 134
tar utility, 229
parsing, 350
via case structure, 372
command mode
dip program, 563
vi, 179-182
command substitution, 357
!, 327
<a>, vi, 191
adduser, 108, 221
aliases, 116
aliasing, 325, 364-365
append, vi, 191
apropos, help options, 114
archie, 604
ash command shell, rescue utilities, 213
scheduling processes, 362
specific time task scheduling, 386-387
batch, scheduling processes/commands, 362, 388
cat, 326
cd, changing directories, 115
chat program, 569
chfn, changing finger data, 221
chmod, file permissions, 241, 311-312, 366
clear, clearing screen, 117
completion option, 365
compress, 155
compressing files, 332
uncompressing files, 156
versus gzip, 332
cp, copying files, 116, 322-323
cp to, 107
cpio, copying file archives, 232-233
regular command scheduling, 389-390
running commands periodically, 363
time-field options, 390
dd, swap files, 289
delimiting, 360
dip program, 563-564
dir, listing files in directories, 115
directory options, 114
determining shell usage, 340
displaying shell script steps, 367
editing, 364
elm mailer, 650-651
emacs, 555-556
change options, 553
cursor movement, 549
cursor-positioning, 548
customizing, 557
Linux access, 546
text deletion, 550
undo options, 546
entering, 106
env, environment variables, 346
error feedback, 363
executing, 351
exit, 108
exit status, 373
fdisk, 281
defining partitions, 96
disk partitions, 280
FDISK program, 47
fdisk program, 67, 95
file, 306-307
find, 329-331
finger, user specific system access, 393-394
flags, 351-352
for, processing files, 377
fsck, file system repair, 120, 279
FTP, 581-583
garrot, removing DOS processor access, 143
gzip, 155-156, 332
halt, 216
history, command history display, 106, 364
<i>, vi, 191
init, 206-210
insmod, installing kernel modules, 261
ispell, spawning child processes, 385
kernel module options, 260
kill, stopping processes, 400-401
less, file contents, one screen at a time, 117, 326-327
Linux overview, 114-116
ln, creating links, 309
logout, 108
lpc/lpq/lpr/lprm, 408-410
see also printing
ls, 318
color output, 320-321
file permissions lists, 241
flags, 319-320
-l flag, 310
listing files, 351
listing files in directories, 115
lsmod, listing kernel modules, 259
m-, DOS files management, 118
mail program, customizing, 646
make, 157
Apache compilation, 673
kernel install, 255
man, help options, 114
minicom program, 123
mkdir, directory creation, 115, 322
mkfs, file systems, 286
mkswap, swap partitions, 72, 288
more, file contents display, 117, 326-327
mount, 270
multiuser/multitasking, 383
mv, moving files, 116, 323
adding partitions, 50, 97
new partitions, 284
nice, command priority scheduling, 398-399
continuing processes after logout, 398
deep background processes, 362
<o>, vi, 192
od (octal dump), viewing binary files, 327-329
displaying partition table, 48
partition table display, 95, 284
<p>, vi, 197
parameters, 352
passwd, account security options, 113, 221, 250
patch, applying kernel patches, 255
path names, 305
pipes, 122
pppd program, 571
printenv, environment variables, 344
priority scheduling, nice command, 398-399
ps (process status), 394
flags, 395
process IDs, 349
user identity/type of work on system, 243
pwd, 305
(q!), 186
rcp, 591
reboot, 216
recalling prior, history function, 106
renice, running process priorities, 399-400
vi, 199
while loops, 377-378
rlogin, 589
rm, deleting files, 117, 323-325
rmdir, deleting directories, 116
rmmod, deleting kernel modules, 261
root, 108
rpm, see RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
rsh, 590
running periodically, crontab command, 363
scheduling, batch command, 362, 385
se number, displaying text line numbers in vi, 194
search, vi, 194
search and replace, vi, 198
environment variables, 344
vi, 203
sh -x, shell script step display, 366
shutdown, 119, 216
simply dos, DOS editor, 127
smbclient program, 300-301
ssh, 592
Start menu, Red Hat Linux, 445
stty, control key parameters, 343
su, recording usage for system security, 110, 243
swapoff, deactivating swap files, 289
swapon, activating swap partition, 72, 288
t, changing partition types, 286
tar, backups, 229
terminating, carriage returns, 360
test, testing shell scripts, 374
text addition, vi, 193
touch, changing time/date stamps, 331
Trek game, 126
tty, 309
umount, 273
uncompress, 156
undo, vi, 186-187
unzip, 332
useradd, Shadow Suite, 249
userdel, Shadow Suite, 250
cursor positioning, 190
summary, 199-201
text deletion, 193
w, writing partition table to disk, 72, 187, 286
who, user logged on system/resource usage, 392
workbone CD player, 120
copying text, 198
emacs, 554
zcat, 332
zip, 332
zless, 332
see also utilities
comments, shell scripts, 368
commercial programs, 22-23
commercial X servers, video card support, 752
comparing numbers, test command, 375
compatible DOS/DOSEMU programs, 135-138, 141
Apache, 672
editing config file, 672
make command, 673
kernel, 258
complete backups, 228
completing commands, 365
composing e-mail messages, text editors, 634-635
compress command, 155, 332
archives, 230
files, 332
uncompressing, 156
z option, tar utility, 231
#config directive Apache, 694
configurable logging, Apache, 696
configuration files
Apache, editing for server install, 672
TCP/IP networks, 484
Configure Filter dialog box (Red Hat), 419
configure script, Apache, 673
Apache, 684
access.conf file, 677
basic setup, 674
directives, 674
Group directive, 676
httpd.conf file, 675
logging directory, 676
root directories, 676
script aliases, 677
server host name, 676
server root, 676
srm.conf file, 676
TCP/IP ports, 675
user IDs, 675
Virtualhost directive, 675
applications, 146
boot-time services, Red Hat Linux, 80-81
device drivers, 342
etc/resolv.conf file, 505
named.boot file, 506-507
resolvers, 503
DOSEMU program, 127
/etc/host.conf file, 503-504
Ethernet network interface, 488
ifconfig utility, 488-489
kernel settings options, 255
Linux, 100-101
Linux kernel, 254-255
LISA program, 92
lo interface, 488
monitors, 78
mouse, 77
networks, 481
administration, 173
applications, 174
bandwidth, 480
bridges, 482
connection media, 480
dial-up connections, 480
diskless workstations, 480
modems, 174
peripherals, 174
physical location, 480
Red Hat Linux, 79
remote connections, 481
routers, 481
user accounts, 174
NN newsreader, 534
PAM modules, 247
Pine newsreader, 535
PLIP interface, 489
PPP interface, 489
PPP service, 573
Red Hat Linux, 82
Samba, 293-296
sendmail, 525-527
shell environment, 344
SLIP connections, dip program setup, 562
SLIP interface, 489
software loopback interface, 488
system after install, 100
system clock, 79
TCP/IP, 79
telnet for Netscape, 605
terminal environment, 341
time zone, 79
TIN newsreader, 534
Usenet clients, 534
vi, 201-204
X Windows, 78
XFree86, 430-431
server, 78
configuring physical media, 480
TCP/IP, 477-478
testing, 174
processes via pipes, 355
SLIP protocol, dip program setup, 562
UNIX servers, 166
Usenet via NNTP servers, 534
containers, Apache, 684
Content-Type MIME type, 686
content-type negotiation, Apache, 699-700
contents of files, displaying, 117
continuing processes after logout, nohup command, 398
control characters, device drivers, 342
control flags, PAM modules, 248
control keys
device drivers, 343
interrupt keys, 344
kill key, 344
parameters, stty command, 343
Control Panel, XFree86, User/Group Manager options, 111
control structures, 367, 371
controlling multiple processes, 397
converting documents for Web sites, 611
cooked mode, device drivers, 342
cookies, Apache, 695
archives, cpio command, 232-233
cp command, 116
directories, 323
emacs, 554
files, 116, 322-323
emacs, 554
to command line, 107
vi, 198
see also yank commands
Copyleft (GNU), 26
corporate/professional advantages, 18
correcting mistakes in vi, 183
costs of network paths, 479
cp command, 116, 322-323
cp to command, 107
cpio command
backups, indexes, 233
command parameters, 232
copying file archives, 232-233
-i option, restoring files, 232
-o option, backups, 232
restoring files, 233
Linux install issues, 31
supported, 749
crackers, security intrusions, 236, 245
cron daemon, background process scheduling, 362, 388
crontab command
regular command scheduling, 389-390
running commands periodically, 363
time-field options, 390
troubleshooting, 391
culture of Usenet newsgroups, 662
curly brackets ({}), character matching, 359
emacs, 542, 548
see also point
vi, 180, 189
custom functions, emacs, 557
customized error messages, Apache, 707
mail program, 646
shells, 378-379
vi environment, 201
text, 365
vi options, 197-198
cylinders, locating via fdisk program, 97


daemons, 309
cron, process scheduling, 362
daemon-spamming, 710
kernel module options, 260
restaring after module install, 262
lpd daemon, printing options, 407-408
named, DNS name server, 506
nmbd, 292
processes, 382
rpc.mountd, 275
rpc.nfsd, 275
sendmail, 525
smbd, 292
data acquisition support, 786
Data Link layer, OSI model, 467
datagrams, 465, 468
date/time stamps, 331
DBM files, password/group membership lookups, Apache, 705
dd command, swap files, 289
DD tags, HTML, 621
de.* newsgroups, 533
debugging Apache startup, 679
DEC Alpha systems, Red Hat Linux installs, 83-85
DEC vt102, xterm emulation, 449
decimal notation, 327
decision structures, 367, 371
decompressing files, 154-156
deep background processes, nohup command, 362
default accounts, security, 239
DefaultIcon directive, Apache, 690
kernel, 259
xgrab program, 457
defining partitions, fdisk command, 96
definition lists, Web pages, 621
defunct processes, 397
delegating system administration duties, 164
directories, 323-325
rmdir command, 116
DOS partitions, Red Hat Linux install, 45
e-mail messages, 640
files, 308, 323-325
rm command, 117
groups, 223
kernel modules, 261
passwords, 222
emacs, 550
vi, 193
user accounts, 222-223
delimiting commands, 360
deny directive, Apache, 702
descriptive comments, shell scripts, 368
kernel version, 254
shell usage, echo command, 340
/dev directory, 267
device directories, 94
device drivers, 94, 342
device files, 267
Device section, XF86Config file, 435
dip program, 562
minicom, 122
network planning, 480
passwords, 251
dialing directory, Seyon telecom program, 455
digital cameras supported, 786
dip program (Dial-Up IP Protocol driver)
arguments, 562
command mode, 563
commands, 563-564
dynamic IP addresses, 567
SLIP connection setup, 562
static IP addresses, 566
-t option, 563
variables, 565
diplogin program, SLIP service, 568
dir command
FTP, 584
listing files in directories, 115
directives, Apache
AccessFileName, 685
AddDescription, 691
AddEncoding, 687
AddIcon, 689
AddIconbyEncoding, 690
AddIconbyType, 690
AddType, 686-688
Alias, 687
AllowOverride, 685
config files, 674
DefaultIcon, 690
DirectoryIndex, 689
FancyIndexing, 689
HeaderName, 690
IndexIgnore, 690
IndexOptions, 691
ReadmeName, 690
Redirect, 688
ScriptAlias, 688
TypesConfig, 686
UserDir, 692
directories, 307-308, 313-315
Apache, accessing via htaccess file, 712
archives, 231-232
/bin, 266
changing, 114
changing in FTP, 584
command options, 114
copying, 322-323
creating, mkdir command, 115, 322
files, 308
rmdir command, 116
/dev, 267
device, 94
/etc, 267
file paths, 114
/home, 106, 115, 223, 268, 304
/lib, 267
Linux directory structure, 315
listing files, 115
logging, Apache, 676
moving files, 308, 323
naming, 305
pathnames, 304-305
printing, 410
/proc, 268
programs, PATH variable, 345
rc3.d, 209
remote listings via FTP, 584
removing, 323-325
root, 266, 304
/sbin, 267
sharing, Samba, 298
/tmp, 268
UNIX, 313-315
users, 692
usr, 269
/var, 268
<Directory> container, Apache, 684
DirectoryIndex directive, Apache, 689
disabling unused accounts, 239
disadvantages of Linux, 19-22
disaster planning and backups, 227-228
Disk Druid, Red Hat Linux partitions/mount points, 73-74
disk partitions
changing types, 286
displaying partition table, 284
extended, 284
fdisk command, 280-282
n command, 284
primary, 284
swap, 285, 288
verifying new partitions/size, 284-285
disk space, Linux install issues, 32, 89
diskless workstations, network planning, 480
disks, booting from floppies, 212-213
display, clearing via clear command, 117
active emacs processes, 545
file contents, 117
partition table, 284
p command, 48, 95
shell script steps, 366-367
text line numbers in vi, 194
see also viewing
displays, 33
determining settings in vi, 180
see also monitors
distributed processing, 166-169
distribution files, XFree86, 426
distribution limits, Usenet articles, 660
distributions, 16
DL tags, HTML, 621
DNS (Domain Name Service), 174, 465, 502
configuring, 503-507
domain name space, 503
host names, 174
in-addr.arpa domain, 508
IP address resolution, 502
name servers, 503, 506-508
named.ca file, 514
named.hosts file, 511
named.rev file, 513
resolvers, 503
resource records, 508-510
CNAME, 512
fields, 509
HINFO, 512
MX, 512
name-server, 512
NS, 513
PTR, 513
SOA, 511
reverse DNS resolution, 508
root name servers, viewing via nslookup, 514
spoofing, 503
testing servers, nslookup utility, 515
troubleshooting, 514
zones, 503
document root, Apache, 674
document tags, HTML, 615
documentation, 22
converting for Web sites, 611
HTML, see Web pages
dollar sign ($), user accounts, 109
dollar sign ($) prompt, Bourne shell, 340
domains, 502
in-addr.arpa, reverse DNS resolution, 508
names, 502-503
DOOM for Linux, 458-459
editor, 127
file systems
managing, 118
mounting, 273
partitions, Red Hat Linux install, 43, 46
programs, running under Linux, 127
support, 20
DOSEMU program, 127
command-line parameters, 134
compatible DOS programs, 135-138, 141
configuring, 127
dosemu.conf file, 128-134
installing, 127
non-compatible DOS programs, 141
quitting, 134
starting, 134
dosemu.conf file, 128-134
double dot (..), path names, 305, 308
drawing, 625
see also graphics
drivers, see device drivers
DT tags, HTML, 621
dumb terminals, centralized processing, 167
Dungeon game, 125
dust and system failure, 236
duties of systems administrator, 164-165
IP addresses, dip program, 567
IP routing, 489


echo command
determining shell usage, 340
displaying shell script steps, 367
tracing shell scripts, 367
#echo directive, Apache, 694
ed line-oriented editor, 178
Apache server configuration file, 672
commands, 364
emacs, 542-543
vi, 183
HTML, 611
text, vi, 180
electrical surges and system failure, 236
elm mailer, 649-651
EM tags, HTML, 618
buffer, 541
kill buffer, 551
mini-buffer, 541
multiple buffer editing, 540
opening new file buffers, 547
change command options, 553
commands, 555-556
copying, 554
cursor movement, 548-549
custom functions, 557
editing files, 542-543
eval-expression mode, 543
files, editing, 542-543
full-screen editor, 178
incremental searches, 552
kill buffer, 551
cutting/copying/pasting, 554
Linux command access, 546
overwriting files, 547
pasting, 554
point, 542
ps command, displaying active processes, 545
quitting, 543-544
replacing current buffer with new file, 547
saving files, 547
screen components, 542
scrolling keystrokes, 549
search and replace, 551-553
starting, 540
suspending sessions, 545
text, adding or deleting, 550
text editor, 540
tutorial, 541
undo commands, 546
virtual terminals, 545
yank commands, 554
e-mail, 518, 630
addresses, 632
aliases, 645
article replies, newsgroups, 664
canceling messages, 633
carbon copies of messages, 644
client/server messaging, 519
composing messages in text editors, 634-635
deleting messages, 640
elm mailer
commands, 650-651
starting, 649
EOT message, 633
ESMTP protocol
message size declarations, 523
MIME encoding, 522
forwarding messages, 643
handshaking, 522
headers, 523, 637
help, 638
historical overview, 518
LAN-based messaging, 518
mailing lists, 606, 645
MDA, 519
message formats, 523
MTA, 519
MUA, 519
multiple recipients, 633
Mutt e-mail client, 652
POP, 630
printing messages, 638
reading messages, 635-637
reply messages, 641-642
RFC standards, 520
saving messages, 639-640
sending messages, 631-632
program/command results, 635
while reading, 638
sendmail, 519, 524
starting mail program, 632
system mailbox, 630
undeliverable, 631
writing messages, 633
emoticons, Usenet, 662
emulation options, xterm program, 449
end-of-line key, device drivers, 342
Enlightenment window manager, 444
entering commands, 106
env command, environment variables, 346
Bourne shell, 345
env command, 346
HOME, 347
IFS, 352
MAIL, 348
mail program, 647
PATH, 347
PS1, 348
TERM, 348
TZ, 348
vi options, 201-202
see also terminals; shell environment
EOT message (End of Transmission), 633
error messages
Apache, 707
command feedback, 363
invalid user name/password, 108
ErrorDocument directive, Apache, 707
escape characters, 358
escape sequences, xterm program, 450
ESMTP protocol (Extended Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
message size declarations, 523
MIME encoding, 522
/etc directory, 267
/etc/conf.modules file, kerneld changes example, 262
/etc/diphosts file, SLIP account access, 568
/etc/exports file
mounting options, 275-276
NFS file system registering, 275
/etc/fstab file
fields, 271-273
mounting NFS file systems, 277
/etc/host.conf file, 503-504
/etc/hosts file, host name to IP address mapping, 484
/etc/networks file, network/subnet addresses, 485
/etc/passwd file, 249
/etc/printcap file, 407, 411
fields, 412-413
printer setup, 415
setting PRINTER variable, 413
test printcap entries, 413-414
see also printing
/etc/resolv.conf file, configuring DNS, 505
Linux supported cards, 35, 173
adding routes, 493
configuring, 488
etiquette guidelines for Usenet, 536
eval-expression mode, emacs, 543
ex text editor, 178
Excite search engine, 599
#exec directive, Apache, 693
exec processes, 350
ExecCGI directive, Apache CGI security, 715
executable files, 306
commands, 351
shell scripts from any directory, 347
exit command, 108
exit status, shell scripts, 373
archie, 604
DOSEMU program, 134
emacs, 543-544
FTP, 584
Linux, 102
mail program, 647-648
SMB services, 300
telnet, 579
vi, 184-185
expanding compressed files, 154-157
NFS file system, 274
variables to shells, 378-379
ext2 file system, clean bit, 279
extended partitions, 43, 284


-F flag, 351
f option, tar utility, 230
FancyIndexing directive, Apache, 689
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
mailing lists, 607
Usenet, 657
FDISK program, disk partitions, 96-98, 280-282
adding, 50, 97
commands, 47, 67, 95
locating cylinders, 97
Red Hat Linux, installing, 67, 70
space allocations, 98
starting, 283
feedback, command errors, 363
DNS records, 509
/etc/fstab file, 271-273
password file, 220
FIFOs (first-in-first-out buffers), 309
file command, 306-307
file servers, distributed processing, 169
file systems, 61
/bin directory, 266
corruption, 279
creating, 280
mkfs command, 286
damage, 279
/dev directory, 267
/etc directory, 267
/ext2, clean bit, 279
/home directory, 268
/lib directory, 267
maintenance, 278
Minix, 280
mounting, 269
boot time, 271
DOS, 273
mount points, 266
NFS, 274
exporting, 274
hard mounts, 278
mounting, 277
soft mounts, 278
/proc directory, 268
Red Hat Linux install, 41
checking via fsck command, 280
directories, 266
/sbin directory, 267
/tmp directory, 268
unmounting, 273
/usr directory, 269
/var directory, 268
file transfers, Seyon telecom program, 456
file-transfer protocols, 124
filename completion characters, see wildcards
files, 304-313
access.conf, Apache, 684
backups, 226
binary, sending via e-mail, 632
color highlighting types, 351
command options, 116
compressing, 332
z option, tar utility, 231
contents display, 117
copying, cp command, 116, 322-323
creating in vi, 182
deleting, rm command, 117, 308
device, 267
directory files, 307-308
DOS management, 118
dosemu.conf, 128-134
emacs, 542-543
vi, 183
editing, 542-543
saving, 547
/etc/diphosts, 568
NFS file system registering, 275
mounting options, 275-276
/etc/fstab, mounting NFS file systems, 277
/etc/host.conf, configuring, 503-504
/etc/networks, network/subnet addresses, 485
/etc/passwd, 249
/etc/printcap, 407
fields, 412-413
printer setup, 415
setting PRINTER variable, 413
test printcap entries, 413-414
see also printing
/etc/resolv.conf, configuring, 505
executable files, 306
finding tar utility backups, 230
FTP remote transfers, 580
FTP transfer modes, 585
graphics xv program options, 447
httpd.conf Apache, 675
inodes, 307-308
lilo.conf default kernel boot options, 259
links, 308-309
listing, 318-321
color output, 320-321
directories, 115
file information, 310
ls command flags, 319-320
logical file system, 304
magic files, 306
moving, 308, 323
mv command, 116
names, 304
directories, 305
matching, wildcards, 352
named.boot, configuring, 506-507
named.ca, 514
named.hosts, DNS, 511
named.rev, 513
ordinary files, 306-307
organizing, 321-322
overwriting, vi, 188
fields, 220
login shell, 341
user accounts, 220
to directories, 114
pathnames, 304-305
permissions, 310-311
changing (chmod command), 241, 311-312, 366
displaying, 310
SGIDs, 242
subfields, 310-311
SUIDs, 241
printing, 410-411
processing via for command, 377
removing, 323-325
renaming, 323
ResourceConfig, Apache, 684
cpio command, 232-233
system files, 228
tar utility, 230
retrieving via FTP, 584
saving, vi, 187-188
scoreboard, Apache Web server, 711
contents, 327
finding files, 329-331
security, 240-241
sending to remote systems via FTP, 585
smb.conf, 293-296
source code, configuring kernel, 255
Apache, 684
configuring, 676
swap, 288-289
time/date stamps, changing, 331
tracking transfer status, FTP, 585
types, 306
saving, 183
writing, 187
viewing contents, 325
binary files (od command), 327-329
cat command, 326
escaping to shell, 327
more/less commands, 326
searching contents, 327
Device section, 435
Files section, 432
Keyboard section, 433
Monitor section, 434-435
Pointer section, 433
Screen section, 436
ServerFlags section, 432
Files section, XF86Config file, 432
filters, printing, 411
find command
finding files, 329-331
tar utility, 230
find command, 329-331
see also listing, files
mailing lists, 607
finger utility
changing data, chfn command, 221
user specific system access, 393-394
verifying user accounts, 110
fire protection for systems, 236
flags, commands, 351-352, 395
flames, 657, 661, 666
flash cards supported, 792
#flastmod directive, Apache, 694
floppy disks, booting, 212-213
floppy drives, Linux install issues, 32
follow-up articles, newsgroups, 665
for command, processing files, 377
for loops, 376
forgotten passwords, 222
processes, 350
Web servers, 678
DOS partitions, Red Hat Linux install, 47
text, Web pages, 617-618
forward slash (/) character, directory separator, 115
forwarding e-mail, 643
FPUs supported, 749
frame grabbers supported, 785
frames, Data Link layer, 468
FreeBSD, 24
Freemacs text editor, 541
front-end processing, 166-167
fsck command
command line arguments, 279
file system repair, 120
FSF (Free Software Foundation), 800
#fsize directive, Apache, 694
FTAM (File Transfer, Access, and Management), 465
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 465
anonymous FTP, 580, 586-588, 601
archie searches, 602
ascii command, 585
binary command, 585
cd command, 584
commands, 581-583
dir command, 584
example session, 585-586
file transfer modes, 585
get command, 584
hash command, 585
installing packages, 151
Linux sites, 726
local command options, 585
ls command, 584
mget command, 584
mput command, 585
put command, 585
quitting, 584
Red Hat Linux install, 38, 59
directory listings, 584
file retrievals, 584
file transfers, 580
searches, Web browsers, 601
sending files to remote systems, 585
starting, 583
tracking transfer status, 585
troubleshooting binary file transfers, 589
Web sites, 602
full backups, 226
full-screen editors, 178-179
function keys
emacs virtual terminals, 545
Red Hat Linux install options, 62
fvwm window manager, 442
fvwm95 window manager, 443
FYI (For Your Information), 657


Dungeon, 125
Tetris, 124
Trek, 125
y package, 124
garrot program, removing processor access for DOS, 143
adding routes to routing table, 492-493
distributed processing, 169
see also routers
gcc compiler, Apache Web server setup, 672
get command, FTP, 584
GIF files, Web page graphics, 626
[global] section, smb.conf file, 297
glossaries on Web page, see definition lists
emacs text editor, 540
General Public License, 26, 800-804
gzip program, 155
decompressing files, 155-156
searches, 605
servers and Web sites, 606
GOSIP (Government Open System Interconnection Profile), 484
grabbers, 457
mini-HOWTO, 741
Web pages, 625
alternate text for non-graphic browsers, 626
links, 627
xv program options, 447
greater than (>) symbol, redirecting output to files, 355
Group directive, Apache, 676
group name error messages, Apache, 680
security, 240
verification, grpck program, 250
aliases, mail program, 646
command groups, 360
deleting, 223
membership lookups, Apache, 705
Usenet, see newsgroups
user accounts, 223
grpck program, group account verification, 250
guest accounts, security, 239
guidelines, posting newsgroup articles, 663
GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces), X Windows, 422, 440
gzip command, 155
compressing files, 332
decompressing files, 155-156
versus compress, 332


h key, vi cursor positioning, 189
-H option, who command output fields, 392
hackers, 15, 19, 236
halt command, 216
handling security breaches, 245
handshaking, e-mail connections, 522
hard drive controllers supported, 767
hard drives
install issues, 32, 94
partitions, 90
space requirements, Red Hat Linux install, 37
supported, 775
hard mounts, NFS file system, 278
Linux install issues, 30
CD-ROMs, 34
CPUs, 31
disk space, 32
floppy drives, 32
hard drives, 32
memory, 31
mice, 36
modems, 35
monitors, 33
network access, 35
printers, 37
swap partitions, 33
system bus, 31
tape drives, 36
LISA program autodetection, 92
networks, 172
Linux, 795
Red Hat Linux, 67
XFree86 support, 427
hash command, FTP, 585
head section, Web pages, 613
HEAD tags, HTML, 613-615
HeaderName directive, Apache, 690
e-mail, 523, 637
newsgroup articles, 664
HTML tags, 615
ps command, 394
Web pages, 615
who command, 392
help options
apropos command, 114
e-mail, 638
man command, 114
hexadecimal notation, 327
hierarchies, newsgroups, 533, 659
High Availability HOWTO, 741
HINFO records, DNS, 509, 512
historical overviews
commands feature, 364
e-mail, 518
Linux development, 25-26
sendmail, 524
UNIX development, 23-25
XFree86, 423
history command
command history display, 364
recalling prior commands, 106
home directories, 106, 115, 304
organizing, 223
user accounts, 110
/home directory, 268
home position, vi editor, 190
HOME variable, 347
[homes] section, smb.conf file, 297
horizontal lines, Web pages, 617
host names
DNS, 174
resolution, 502
IP address mapping, /etc/hosts file, 484
Linux config, 100
host.conf file, configuring, 503
hosts, 502
Apache access control, 702
messaging, 518
HotBot search engine, 599
High Availability, 741
Linux, 725, 730-736
Linux Hardware Compatibility, 746
unmaintained, 741
writing and submitting, 741
XFree86, 422
HP calculator emulation, 453
HR tags, HTML, 617
HREF attribute, A tags, 624
htaccess files, Apache directory access, 712
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 598, 610
A tags, 623-625
ADDRESS tags, 620
B tags, 618
BODY tags, 613-615
BR tags, 617
DD tags, 621
DL tags, 621
document tags, 615
DT tags, 621
editors, 611
EM tags, 618
HEAD tags, 613-615
HR tags, 617
I tags, 618
IMG tags, 614, 626
LI tags, 620
OL tags, 621
P tags, 617
physical style tags, 618
PRE tags, 618
tags, 613-614
text formatting, 615-618
TITLE tags, 613-615
U tags, 618
UL tags, 620
viewing source code, 613
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 596, 686
httpd, command-line arguments, 679
httpd_monitor, Apache child process tracking, 712
hubs, distributed processing, 169
human-language negotiation, Apache, 701
hybrid network topology, 170
hypertext links, see links


-i option, cpio command, restoring files, 232
<i> command, vi, 191
I tags, HTML, 618
IBM PROFS e-mail, 518
IDs, processes, 349, 361
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), RFCs, 520
if…then…else structures, 374
command-line arguments, 486-487
network interfaces
configuring, 488-489
initializing, 486
inspecting, 488
IFS (Inter Field Separator) environment variable, 352
ignoring characters in shell scripts, 371
images, see graphics
IMG tags, 614, 626
IMHO (In My Humble Opinion), 657
in-addr.arpa domain, reverse DNS resolution, 508
#include directive, Apache, 693
incremental backups, 226-228
incremental searches, emacs, 552
Apache root directory, 679
backups, 228
cpio command, 233
IndexIgnore directive, Apache, 690
IndexOptions directive, Apache, 691
Inference Find! search engine, 599
Infoseek search engine, 599
init command, 206-210
init processes, 350
init scripts, Apache, 677-678
initial server startup error messages, Apache, 680
initializing network interfaces, ifconfig program, 486
inittab files, boot process, 211-212
inline images, Web pages, 626
INN news program, 658
inodes, 307-308
input mode, vi, 179, 182, 191
insert command, vi, 191
insmod command, installing kernel modules, 261
inspecting network interfaces, ifconfig, 488
install floppies, Linux, 90-91
applications on networks, 174
C compiler package, kernel rebuild, 255
DOOM for Linux, 458
DOSEMU program, 127
files, non-Linux, decompressing, 155
modules, 255, 258-261
patches, 255
text-based interactive program, 255-256
X Windows config program, 257
LILO, 101, 214
Linux, 91
CD-ROM needs, 34
CPU issues, 31
disk space needs, 32
disk space requirements, 89
floppy drive needs, 32
hard drive needs, 32
hard drive partitions, 90
hard drive preparation, 94
hardware issues, 30
install floppies, 90-91
kernel, 254
memory needs, 31
modem needs, 35
modules disk, 91
monitor needs, 33
mouse needs, 36
network access needs, 35
packages, 99
preparations, 89
printer needs, 37
prior configs, 91
swap partition needs, 33
system bus needs, 31
tape drive needs, 36
OpenLinux Lite, 89
hard drive partitions, 90
install floppies, 90-91
modules disk, 91
packages, 99
prior configs, 91
system requirements, 88
peripherals on networks, 174
Red Hat Linux, 58-59, 62-63
adding DOS partitions, 46
boot/supplemental disks, 41
CD-ROM, 65
CD-ROM option, 38
DEC Alpha systems, 83-85
deleting DOS partitions, 45
DOS partitions, 43
fdisk program, 67
file system setup, 41
formatting DOS partitions, 47
FTP option, 38
install options, 59
install prep, 37-39, 60
keyboard option, 63
language option, 63
LILO program, 82
OS/2 partitions, 44
packages, 75-77
partitions, 42-43, 49-51, 67, 70
PCMCIA cards, 64
repartitioning DOS drives, 44
SCSI devices/drivers, 66
Sun Sparc systems, 83
troubleshooting, 52-56, 86
Samba, 292
software, 146-149
file permissions, 157
non-Linux, 154-157
RPM, 150-152
sys admin duties, 148-149
troubleshooting, 157
upgrading, 146-147
StarOffice, 807-822
Wine, 144
X Windows, 429
XFree86, 425, 429
hardware support, 427
pkgtool program, 425, 429
SuperProbe video hardware, 431
video cards, 430
NFS file system mounting, 278
processes, 382
interfaces, network, see networkinterfaces
internal state data, netstat program, 497
Internet, 464-465
browsing, 596
e-mail, see e-mail
mailing lists, 606
network setup, 477
searches, 598
anonymous FTP via archie, 602
Boolean expressions, 600
keywords, 599
WAIS, 608
WWW, 596
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Web site, MIME types list, 686
InterNIC, Internet address assignments, 484
interrupt key, 344
intruders to system and security, 245
invalid user name/password error message, 108
IP (Internet protocol), 464-465, 469, 562
addresses, 469
ALL address, 470
classes, 470
dynamic, dip program, 567
host name mapping, /etc/hosts file, 484
loopback addresses, 470, 485
networks, /etc/networks file, 485
obtaining, 471
resolution, 502
static, dip program, 566
subnets, /etc/networks file, 485
Linux configuration, 100
ispell command, spawning child processes, 385
ISPs (Internet service providers), 597, 630
italic text, Web pages, 618
iterative structures, 367, 371, 376


j key, vi cursor positioning, 189
jaggies, print problems, 122
JED text editor, 541
JOVE text editor, 541
joysticks supported, 784
JPG files, Web page graphics, 626


k key, vi cursor positioning, 189
KDE window manager, 444
kermit protocol, 124
backups, 255
saving prior versions, 258
compiling, 258
configuring, 254-255
default boot options, lilo.conf file, 259
defaults, 259
determining version, 254
initializing network interfaces, ifconfig program, 486
module support, 258
modules, 255, 260
patches, 255
text-based interactive program, 255-256
X Windows config program, 257
Kernel HOWTO document, 158
modularized, 259
adding, 261
command options, 260
deleting, 261
viewing, 260
applying via patch command, 255
source code files, 255
PPP configuration, 562
preparing for new kernel install, 254
routing table, 490, 497
saving prior versions, 258
SLIP configuration, 562
upgrading, 158-159
Kernel Module Manager
Analyze Kernel functions, 92
install phase hardware support, 92
Load Kernel Modules functions, 93
kerneld daemon
kernel module options, 260
restarting after module install, 262
keyboard option, Red Hat Linux install, 63
Keyboard section, XF86Config file, 433
keywords, searches, 599
kill buffer, emacs, 551, 554
kill command, stopping processes, 400-401
kill files, newsreaders, 666
kill key, 344
Korn shell, dollar sign ($) prompt, 340
ksh shell, configuring newsreaders, 534


-l flag, 351
l key, vi cursor positioning, 189
LAN-based messaging, 518
language option, Red Hat Linux install, 63
LanguagePriority directive, Apache, 701
LANs (local area networks), 172
laptops supported, 748
last line on-screen, vi editor, 190
less command, file contents display, one screen at a time, 117, 326-327
less than symbol (<), redirecting input to commands/programs, 355
LI tags, HTML, 620
lib directory, 267
LILO (LInux LOader) program
configuration, 214-215
installing, 101, 214
Linux, 89
Red Hat Linux, 82
single parameter, 212
uninstalling, 101
lilo.conf file, default kernel boot options, 259
<Limit> container, Apache, 684
limiting algorithm, Apache child processes, 710
limiting Usenet article distribution, 660
line breaks on Web pages, 617
Line PrinteR (lpr) systems, 406
line-oriented editors
ed, 178
ex, 178
links, 308-309
Web pages, 623
graphics, 626-627
naming, 625
page link references, 624
Web sites, 596
advantages, 15-19
boot options, 89
buffers, 119
Caldera, see Caldera
CD-ROM drives supported, 776-777
CD-Writers supported, 778
client/server networks, 171
command auto-completion feature, 107
flags, 351-352
overview, 114-116
commercial programs, 22-23
host names, 100
IP addresses, 100
mouse, 100
root passwords, 101
Samba, 293-296
system clock, 100
time zone, 100
user accounts, 101
CPUs supported, 749
data acquisition support, 786
device directories, 94
device drivers, 94
digital cameras supported, 786
disadvantages, 19-22
distributions, 16
DOS files management, 118
emacs command access, 546
Ethernet cards, 173
exiting, 102
ext2 file system, clean bit, 279
flash cards supported, 792
FPUs supported, 749
FTP sites, 726
hard drive controllers supported, 767
hard drives supported, 775
history, 14
Linux development, 25-26
UNIX development, 23-25
HOWTOs, 725, 730-736
installing, 91
CD-ROM needs, 34
CPU issues, 31
disk space needs, 32
disk space requirements, 89
floppy drive needs, 32
hard drive needs, 32
hard drive partitions, 90
hard drive preparation, 94
hardware issues, 30
install floppies, 90-91
memory needs, 31
modem needs, 35
modules disk, 91
monitor needs, 33
mouse needs, 36
network access needs, 35
packages, 99
preparations, 89
printer needs, 37
prior configs, 91
swap partition needs, 33
system bus, 31
tape drive needs, 36
joysticks supported, 784
kernel, see kernel
laptop support, 748
man pages, 725
memory supported, 749
mini-HOWTOs, 736-740
modems supported, 780
motherboards, 747
mouse support, 779
multifunction boards supported, 786
multiport controllers supported, 771
multitasking, 166
multiuser system, 165
network adapters supported, 772
newsgroups, 722-724
online documents, 725
ownership/rights, 26
fdisk program, 98
types, 49, 69
passwords, 106
PCMCIA cards supported, 789-792
PCMCIA drivers, 749
plotters supported, 780-781
Plug and Play devices supported, 795
power-saving monitors supported, 784
printers supported, 780-781
programs, running, 120
prompt, 106
rebooting, 102
recalling prior commands, history function, 106
Red Hat Linux
installing, 62-63
see also Red Hat Linux
removable drives supported, 778
running Windows programs, 143
S3 cards supported, 787
scanners supported, 782-783
SCSI adapters supported, 792
SCSI controllers
supported, 768-769
unsupported, 770
sharing directories, Samba, 298
shell environment, configuring, 344
shutdown, 119
rebooting after, 119
Slackware package
Seyon telecom program, 455
X applications, 448
xcalc program, 451
xgrab program, 457
xlock program, 458
xspread program, 454
xterm program, 448
sound cards supported, 773-774
SRAM cards supported, 792
supported Ethernet cards, 35
system administration, 164
tape drives supported, 775
terminal environment, 341
touch screens supported, 784
unsupported hardware, 795
UPSes supported, 786
user accounts, 108
user directories, 692
user names, 106
versions, 16
versus UNIX, 19
video capture boards supported, 784-785
video cards supported, 750-767
virtual terminals, 545
watchdog timer interfaces supported, 787
Web sites, 722
wildcards, 352
window managers, 441
Linux Documentation Project, 725
Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO, 746
Linux Installation and Getting Started Guide,26
Linux kernel
configuring, 254-255
determining version, 254
initializing network interfaces, ifconfig program, 486
installing, 254
PPP configuration, 562
preparing for new kernel install, 254
routing table
report fields, 490
viewing, 490, 497
SLIP configuration, 562
Linux networks
monitoring, 174
network administrators, 172
software upgrades, 175
systems administrator, hardware/software issues, 172
Linuxconf, Web-based system administration, 224
LISA program (Linux Install and System Administration), 91
configuring, 92
system, 100
hardware autodetect, 92
installing Linux packages, 99
swap partitions, 99
list managers, mailing lists, 607
color output, 320-321
in directories, 115
information, 310
ls command flags, 319-320
see also finding, files
kernel modules, 259
2.1 partition table example, 48
3.1 partition table example, 68
4.1 partition table example, 95
5.1 dosemu.conf file, 128-134
13.1 lilo.conf file, default kernel boot options, 259
13.2 /etc/conf.modules file, kerneld changes example, 262
18.1 safrm script, 349
18.2 menu shell script with case structure, 372
18.3 command line parsing via case structure, 372
18.4 test command shell script example, 375
18.5 greeting display via test command, 376
18.6 files processing via for command, 377
18.7 repeating commands via while loop, 377-378
26.1 named.hosts file, 511
26.2 named.rev file, DNS, 513
26.3 named.ca file, DNS, 514
29.1 emacs ps command output, 545-546
30.1 static IP addresses via dip, 566
30.2 dynamic IP addresses via dip, 567
31.1 FTP session example, 585-586
31.2 anonymous FTP example session, 586-588
33.1 Web page source code example, 612
33.2 headings styles example, 615-616
33.3 HTML text formatting, 617
33.4 unordered list on Web page, 620
33.5 ordered list on Web pages, 621
33.6 definition lists, Web pages, 622
33.7 nesting lists on Web pages, 622
33.8 inserting graphics into Web pages, 626
38.1 directory config, access.conf file, 715
adduser command example, 221�
bootup log entries, 206-207
/etc/inittab file, 211-212
rc.local shell script, 210
rc3.d directory, 209
file permissions, 241
Web pages, 620-622
ln command, creating links, 309
lo interface, configuring, 488
Load Kernel Modules functions, Kernel Module Manager, 93
local command options, FTP, 585
local loopback addresses, 485
files, tar utility backups, 230
mailing lists, 607
lockout options, X Windows, 458
logfiles, Apache
automatic rotation, 713
bootup entries, 206-207
system location, 674
LogFormat directive, Apache, 697-698
Apache, 696-698
directory, Apache configuration, 676
file systems, 304
partitions, 43
style tags, Web page text, 618
logins, 338
root, 108, 164
security, 238
telnet, 578
user accounts, 220
disabling temporarily, 222
virtual terminals, 338
LOGNAME variable, 348
logout command, 108
logouts, 108
loopback address, 470
loopback interface, adding routes, 492
for, 376
while, 377
lowest cost path, routing protocols, 476
lpc command, printing, 408-410
lpd daemon, printing, 408
lpq command, printing, 408-409
lpr (line printer) systems, 406
lpr command, printing, 408
lpr program, printing e-mail, 638
lprm command, printing, 408-409
ls -l command, file permissions lists, 241
ls command
-l flag, 310
color output, 320-321
flags, 319-320
FTP, 584
files, 351
in directories, 115
lsmod command, listing kernel modules, 259
lurking in newsgroups, 535
Lycos search engine, 599


M option, tar utility, 230
m- commands, DOS files management, 118
m4 preprocessor macro, 526
Macintosh support, 20
Macromedia Web site, HTML editors, 611
macros, sendmail preprocessor, 526
magic files, 306
mail clients, see MUA
mail program, 632
aliases, 645
canceling messages, 633
carbon copies of messages, 644
commands, customizing, 646
deleting messages, 640
environment variables, 647
exiting, 647-648
forwarding messages, 643
headers, 637
help, 638
mailing lists, 645�
multiple recipients, 633
printing messages, 638
reading messages, 635-637
reply messages, 641-642
saving messages, 639-640
messages, 632, 638
program/command results, 635
starting, 632
writing messages, 633
mail reflectors, mailing lists, 607
MAIL variable, 348
mailboxes, e-mail, 630
mailing lists, 606
e-mail, 645
FAQs, 607
finding, 607
mail reflectors, 607
mainframes, centralized processing, 166
maintaining file systems, 278
make command
Apache compilation, 673
installing software, 157
kernel install, 255
man command, help options, 114
man pages, Linux, 725
Apache child processes, 710
home directories, 223
users, 107
accounts, 220
matching filenames, wildcards, 352
MAUs (Multistation Access Units), ring networks, 170
MaxClients limit, Apache Web server requests, 711
MaxSpareServers setting, Apache Web server, 711
MDA (Mail Delivery Agent), 519
media types for backups, 226
Linux install issues, 31
supported, 749
menu shell scripts, 371
menus, X Windows, 440
Application layer, 468
formats, 523
see also e-mail
size declarations, ESMTP, 523
Usenet, 532, 535
messaging programs, see e-mail
Metro-X server, Red Hat Linux, 444
mget command, FTP, 584
mice supported, 779
MicroEmacs text editor, 541
microprocessors, see processors
MIDDLE attribute, IMG tags, 626
MIME types
Content-Type, 686
encoding, ESMTP, 522
HTTP, 686
mini-buffer, emacs, 541
Graphics, 741
Linux, 736-740
minicom program, 122
Minix file system, 23-25, 280
MinSpareServers setting, Apache Web server, 711
mistakes, correcting in vi, 183
mkdir command, 115, 322
mkfs command, 286-287
mkswap command, 72, 288
mod_log_config module, Apache, 697
centralized processing, 168
Linux install issues, 35
security, 244
supported, 780
moderated newsgroups, Usenet, 536, 663
modularized kernel, 259
command options, 260
deleting, 261
installing, 260�
kerneld daemon options, 260
viewing, 260
Apache, 673, 693, 697
disk, Linux install, 91
installing, 255, 258
move to modularized, 259
PAM, see PAM
monitor, clearing, clear command, 117
Monitor section, XF86Config file, 434-435
networks, 174
TCP/IP, 493
processes, 394-397
configuring, Red Hat Linux, 78
determining settings in vi, 180
Linux install issues, 33
more command, file contents display, 117, 326-327
motherboards supported, 747
mount command
command line arguments, 270
NFS options, 277
mount points
file systems, 266
Red Hat Linux, 73-74
CD-ROMs, 150
/etc/exports file options, 275-276
file systems, 269-271
DOS, 273
NFS, 277-278
configuring, Red Hat Linux, 77
copying text to command line, 107
configuration, 100
install issues, 36
xterm program, 450
cursor in vi, 180
files, 308, 323
mv command, 116
mput command, FTP, 585
MS-DOS file systems
mounting, 273
see also DOS
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent), 519
mtools package, DOS files management, 118
MUA (Mail User Agent), 519
multifunction boards supported, 786
multiple buffer editing, emacs, 540
multiple operating system options, System Commander, 60
multiple processes, 384
controlling, 397
pipes, 385
multiple recipients, mail program, 633
multiport adapters, centralized processing, 168
multiport controllers supported, 771
multitasking, 166, 382-383
multitasking commands, 383
systems, 165
MultiViews parameter, Apache content-type negotiation,699
multivolume backups, tar utility, 230
Mutt e-mail client, 652
mv command, moving files, 116, 323
MX records, DNS, 509, 512


n command
adding partitions, 50, 97
new partitions, 284
NAME attribute, A tags, 625
name matching files, wildcards, 352
name servers, 502
caching, 508
DNS, 503, 506
name-server records, DNS, 512
named daemon, DNS name server, 506
named option commands, sendmail, 528
named pipes, 309
named.boot file, configuring, 506-507
named.ca file, DNS, 514
named.hosts file, DNS, 511
named.rev file, DNS, 513
network nodes, 472-473
Web page links, 625
NCP protocol (Network Control Protocol), 524
nesting lists on Web pages, 622
net.personalities, 657
netiquette, 657, 661, 666
anonymous FTP searches, 601
configuring telnet, 605
Web page graphics display, 627
netstat program
active Internet connection fields, 494-495
active network connections, 494
active UNIX domain sockets, 495-496
command-line arguments, 493
internal state data, 497
monitoring TCP/IP networks, 493
network interface stats, 497
viewing routing table, 497
network adapters supported, 772
network administrators, 172, 175-176
network interfaces
configuring, 488
netstat program stats, 497
Network layer, OSI model, 467
network naming tree, NIC, 473
system setup, 173
user accounts, 174
applications, installing, 174
asynchronous TCP/IP connections, 173
bridges, 477
client/server, 171
configuring, 481
administration, 173
applications, 174
bandwidth, 480
bridges, 482
connection media, 480
dial-up connections, 480
diskless workstations, 480
peripherals, 174
physical location, 480
Red Hat Linux, 79
remote connections, 481
routers, 481
software loopback interface, 488
user accounts, 174
configuring physical media, 480
Linux install issues, 35
TCP/IP, 477-478
costs of paths, 479
deleting routes, 493
dial-up passwords, 251
dynamic IP routing, 489
eth0 network interface, adding routes, 493
gateways, adding routes to routing table, 492-493
hardware, 172
host names, 174
initializing interfaces, ifconfig program, 486
inspecting interfaces, ifconfig, 488
Internet setup, 477
IP addresses, /etc/networks file, 485
LANs, 172
Ethernet cards, 173
monitoring, 174
network administrators, 172
software upgrades, 175
loopback interface, adding routes, 492
modems, installing, 174
monitoring, 174
nodes, 465
naming, 472-473
peripherals, installing, 174
RIP, 476
TCP/IP, 172
RFCs, 471
routing, 475-478
deleting routes, 493
lowest cost path, 476
routing tables, 490-491
authentication, 246
handling breaches, 245
modems, 244
permissions, 245
shadow passwords, 248
terminal lockouts, 244
segments, 476
software, 172
upgrades, 175
static IP routing, route command, 489
subnet masks, 474
systems administrator, hardware/software issues, 172
configuration files, 484
host name to IP address mapping, 484
monitoring via netstat program, 493
Red Hat Linux config, 79
routing policies, 489
testing connections, 174
topologies, 170
transparency, 424
administration, 172
monitoring, 174
network administrators, 172
software upgrades, 175�
viewing active connections, 494
new kernel install, 254
newbies, 657
news feeds, 656
newsgroups, 657
alt.*, 533, 660
e-mail replies, 664
headers, 664
posting, 657, 665
reading, 664
threads, 664
culture, 662
de.*, 533
etiquette guidelines, 536
flames, 666
follow-up articles, 665
hierarchies, 659
Linux, 722-724
lurking, 535
moderated, 536, 663
news.announce.newusers, 534
news.answers, mailing lists, 607
articles, tips and guidelines, 663
messages, 535
sigfiles, 535, 665
spawning, 533
subscriptions, 663
Usenet, 532-533
see also Usenet
newsreaders, 534, 656-657
configuring Pine, 535
e-mail article replies, 664
follow-up articles, 665
kill files, 666
posting articles, 665
reading articles, 664
rn, 667
TIN, 534
trn, 667
NFS (Network File System), 274, 465
exporting, 274�
hard mounts, 278
mount command options, 277
mounting, 277-278
soft mounts, 278
NIC (Network Information Center), 465
network naming tree, 473
network RFCs, 471
obtaining IP addresses, 471
nice command, command priority scheduling, 398-399
NICs (Network Interface Cards), distributed processing,169
nmbd daemon, 292
NN newsreader, configuring, 534
NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol), Usenet connections,534, 658
nodes, networks, 465, 472-473, 502
nohup command
continuing processes after logout, 398
deep background processes, 362
non-compatible DOS/DOSEMU programs, 141
non-incremental searches, emacs, 552
NS records, DNS, 510, 513
nslookup utility
DNS testing, 515
viewing root name servers, 514
number comparisons, test command, 375
nxterm sessions, Red Hat Linux, 446


O command, sendmail configuration options, 527
-o option, cpio command, backups, 232
<o> command, vi, 192
obtaining IP addresses, 471
octal notation, 327
od command (octal dump), viewing binary files, 327-329
OL tags, HTML, 621
olwm window manager, 443
online documents, Linux, 725
open file error messages, Apache, 679
open systems, 18
Open Text Index, Web searches, 599
lines of text in vi buffer, 192
new file buffers, emacs, 547
telnet, 605�
vi, 181
see also starting
OpenLinux (Caldera), 88
OpenLinux Base operating system, 23
OpenLinux Lite
configuring, 100
installing, 89-91
packages, 99
system requirements, 88
rebooting, 102
update/bug fix packages, 40
operating systems
supported, 20, 24
see also Linux
multiple options, System Commander, 60
multitasking, 166
multiuser, 165
OpenLinux Base, 23
processing models, 166
operators, ampersand (&), background processes, 361
cpio command, 232
kernel configuration, 255
tar utility, 229
Options ExecCGI directive, access.config file, CGI security,715
ordered lists, Web pages, 620
files, 306-307
links, 308-309
files, 321-322
home directories, 223
OS/2 partitions, Red Hat Linux install, 44
OSI (Open System Interconnection) model, 465-467
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 476
output fields, who command -H option, 392
e-mail, 518
sendmail, 524
overwriting files
emacs, 547
vi, 188
ownership of Linux, 26


p command, displaying partition table, 48, 95, 284
<p> command, vi, 197
P tags, HTML, 617
Package Manager, see RPM
packages (software), 150
installing, 99, 150-151
listing, 150-153
Red Hat Linux install, 75-77
uninstalling, 151-153, 158
upgrading, 152
verifying, 153-154
packets, Data Link layer, 468
page link references, Web page links, 624
Page Up/Down keys, emacs cursor positioning, 548
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)
configuring, 247
module control flags, 248
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 574
paragraphs, Web pages, 617
commands, 352
control keys, stty command, 343
cpio command, 232
kernel configuration, 255
tar utility, 229
parent processes, 350, 384, 679
parsing command line, 350
partition tables, 42
displaying, 48, 95, 284
Red Hat Linux example, 68
verifying new partitions, 284-285
writing data to disk, 72
partitions, 90
fdisk program, 97
n command, 50, 97
changing types, 286
defining, 96
extended, 284
fdisk command, 43, 280-282
fdisk program, 98
types, 69
logical, 43
n command, 284
primary, 43, 284
Red Hat Linux
adding, 50-51
allocating space, 71
Disk Druid options, 73-74
installing, 42-43, 60, 67, 70
Linux packages install, 99
Red Hat Linux, 73
space allocations, 98
swap, 99, 285, 288
Red Hat Linux, 71-72
types, 49
verifying new partitions, 284-285
passwd command, 113, 221, 250
password file
fields, 220
login shell, 341
user accounts, 220
password invalid error message, 108
Password PAM module, 247
password/group-membership lookups, Apache, 705
passwords, 106
deleting, 222
dial-up, 251
entering in commands, 151�
forgotten, 222
root account, 108
security, 237
see also root passwords
security, 237
shadow, 248
user accounts, 110, 220-221
changing, 113
shadowing, 249
verifying, 250
pasting text, 365
emacs, 554
vi, 197-198
patch command, applying kernel patches, 255
patches, kernel
installing, 255
source code files, 255
PATH variable, program directories, 345-347
paths, names, 304-305
PCMCIA cards
drivers supported, 749
Red Hat Linux, installing, 64
supported, 789-792
pdksh shell (Public Domain Korn Shell), 339
percent sign (%) prompt, C shell, 340
performance tuning Apache, 712, 717
peripherals, installing on networks, 174
changing, 311-312
displaying file permissions, 310
chmod command, 241, 366
SGIDs, 242
SUIDs, 241
system security, 241
installing software, 157
printing, 407-408
security, 245
subfields, 310-311
persistent processes, Apache, 710
pertinent RFCs to sendmail, 520-521
photographs, see graphics
Physical layer, OSI model, 467
physical location, network planning, 480
physical security, 236-237
physical style tags, Web page text, 618
pictures, see graphics
PidFile directive, Apache, 708
PIDs (process ID numbers), 384
Pine, configuring newsreader, 535
commands, 122
connecting processes, 355
multiple processes, 385
pkgtool program, installing XFree86, 425, 429
PKZIP, 332
backups, 227-228
networks, 481
system security, 243
PLIP interface (Parallel IP), configuring, 489
plotters supported, 780-781
Plug and Play devices supported, 795
emacs, 542
see also cursor
Pointer section, XF86Config file, 433
policies, routing, 489
POP (Post Office Protocol), 630
port and bind error messages, Apache, 680
portability, 17
positioning cursor, vi, 189
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) compliance,18
posting articles
newsgroups, 663-665
Usenet, 535, 657
pound sign (#)
shell script comments, 368
superuser account, 109
power-saving monitors supported, 784
PPP interface (Point-to-Point Protocol), 489
PPP protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol), 173, 562, 569
PPP service
accounts, 573
authentication, 574
configuring, 573
security, 574
pppd program
combining with chat, 573
commands, 571
PRE tags, HTML, 618
preformatted text, Web pages, 618
preprocessor macro, sendmail, 526
Presentation layer, OSI model, 467
primary partitions, 43, 61, 71, 284
print working directory (pwd) command, 305
printenv command, environment variables, 344
Linux install issues, 37
supported, 780-781
[printers] section, smb.conf file, 298
printing, 406-407
directories, 410
e-mail, 638
/etc/printcap file, 407, 411-413
files, 410
/etc/printcap, 411
PRINTER variable, 413
filters, 411
jaggies, 122
permissions, 407-408
printer setup, 414-415
Red Hat, 416-419
programs/commands, 407-410
selecting printers, 406
test printcap entries, 413-414
troubleshooting, 415-416
prior configurations, installing OpenLinux Lite, 91
priority scheduling, running processes, renice command,399-400
priority scheduling of commands, nice command, 398-399
probe only mode, X Windows, system configuration data,437
DNS, 514
FTP, binary file transfers, 589
startup, 181
TERM variable settings, 181
see also troubleshooting
/proc directory, 268
process IDs, 361
processes, 344
background, 361, 384
batch, 382
child, 384
connecting via pipes, 355
continuing after logout, nohup command, 398
daemons, 382
defunct, 397
detailed data via ps command flags, 395-397
exec, 350
forks, 350
IDs, 349
init, 350
interactive, 382
monitoring all processes, 397
multiple, 384
controlling, 397
pipes, 385
parent, 350, 384
PIDs, 384
priority scheduling, renice command, 399-400
running periodically, crontab command, 363
scheduling, 362
spawning child processes, 385
status monitoring, 394-395
stderr file, 350
stdin file, 350
stdout file, 350
terminating, 400-402
zombie, 397
processing files, via for command, 377
processing models in operating systems, 166
processors, Linux install needs, 31
PROFS e-mail, 518
program directories, PATH variable, 345
A News, 658�
B News, 658
bc calculator, 122
C News, 658
chat, see chat program
cron, background process scheduling, 388
dip, see dip
DOSEMU compatibility, 135-141
running under Linux, 127
adding partitions, 50, 97
commands, 47, 95
locating cylinders, 97
partitions, 43, 98
Red Hat Linux install, 67
grpck, group account verification, 250
INN news, 658
LILO (LInux LOader), Linux install, 89, 101
configuring, 92, 100
hardware autodetect, 92
swap partitions, 99
lpr, printing e-mail, 638
mail, 632
aliases, 645
canceling messages, 633
carbon copies of messages, 644
customizing, 646
deleting messages, 640
forwarding messages, 643
headers, 637
help, 638
mailing lists, 645
printing messages, 638
reading messages, 635-637
reply messages, 641-642
saving messages, 638-640
sending program/command results, 635
writing messages, 633
minicom, 122
networks, 172
pkgtool, installing XFree86, 429
pwck, verifying passwords, 250
boot/rescue disks, 61
Linux install disk creation, 90
running, 120
/sbin/route, 490
sc spreadsheet calculator, 121
selection, copying text to command line, 107
Seyon telecom, 455-456
shell, writing, 367
smbclient, 292
commands, 300-301
SMB share access, 300
SuperProbe, video hardware data, 431
testparm, testing smb.conf file, 299
text-based interactive, kernel install, 255-256
workbone CD player, 120
X Windows configuration, kernel install, 257
xcalc, 451
XF86Config, configuring XFree86, 431
xgrab, 457
default options, 457
resource file, 457
ToCommand example, 457
xlock, 458
xspread, 454
xterm, 448
xv screen-capture, 446
see also applications; software
prompt, 106
entering commands, 106
logins, 338
protecting resources, Apache, 703
CHAP, 574
ESMTP, 522
file-transfer, 124
FTAM, 465
FTP, 524, 601
HTTP, 596
IP, 464-465, 469, 562
kermit, 124
NCP, 524
NNTP, 658
OSPF, 476
PAP, 574
POP, 630�
PPP, 173, 562, 569
RIP, 465, 476
routing, 476
SLIP, 562
SMTP, 465, 522
SNMP, 466
TCP, 466, 524
TCP/IP, 172, 468
UDP, 466
UUCP, 658
XNS, 476
zmodem, 124
ps command (process status), 394-395
emacs, displaying active processes, 545
flags, 395
headings, 394
process IDs, 349
user identity/type of work on system, 243
PS1 variable, 348
PTR records, DNS, 510, 513
publicly-writable spaces, Apache security, 716
put command, FTP, 585
pwck program, verifying passwords, 250
pwd command, 305


-q switch, sendmail, 525
q! command, abandoning file changes in vi, 186
-q1h switch, sendmail, 525
queries, listing packages, 150-153
question mark (?) wildcard, 354
queues, 382
archie, 604
DOSEMU program, 134
emacs, 543-544
FTP, 584
Linux, 102, 119
mail program, 647-648
processes, kill command, 400-401
SMB services, 300
telnet, 579
vi, 184-185
quotation marks
command substitution, 357
ignoring special characters, 371
quotes and quotebacks, Usenet, 657


r- commands, remote access, 589
RAM, XFree86 needs, 427
raw mode, device drivers, 342
rawrite program
Linux install disk creation, 90
Red Hat Linux boot and rescue disks, 61
rc.local files, 210
rc.sysinit file, 210
rc3.d directories, boot process, 209
rcp command, 591-592
articles in newsgroups, 664
e-mail, 635-637
ReadmeName directive, Apache, 690
reboot command, 216
after shutdown, 119
Linux, 102
recalling prior commands, history function, 106
recipients, e-mail, 633
recording su command usage for system security, 243
records, DNS
CNAME, 512
fields, 509
HINFO, 512
MX, 512
name-server, 512
NS, 513
PTR, 513
SOA, 511
Red Hat 5.1 package, Linuxconf utility, 224
Red Hat Linux
Add Users dialog box, 112
adding users, 111
boot disks, 82
rawrite program, 61
commercial programs, 22
boot-time services, 80-81
monitors, 78
mouse, 77
networks, 79
root passwords, 82
system clock, 79
TCP/IP, 79
time zone, 79
X Windows, 78
XFree86 server, 78
Control Panel account management, 111
DOOM for Linux, 458
installing, 58-59, 62-63
adding DOS partitions, 46
boot/supplemental disks, 41
CD-ROM, 65
CD-ROM option, 38
DEC Alpha systems, 83-85
deleting DOS partitions, 45
DOS partitions, 43
fdisk program, 67
file system setup, 41
formatting DOS partitions, 47
FTP option, 38
install options, 59
install prep, 37-39, 60
keyboard option, 63
language option, 63
LILO program, 82
OS/2 partitions, 44
packages, 75-77
partitions, 42-43, 67, 70
PCMCIA cards, 64
repartitioning DOS drives, 44
SCSI devices/drivers, 66
Sun Sparc systems, 83
troubleshooting, 52-56, 86
Metro-X server, 444
mount points, 73
Disk Druid options, 73-74
non-supported hardware, 67
nxterm sessions, 446
partition table example, 68
adding, 50-51
allocating space, 71
Disk Druid options, 73-74
types, 49�
primary partitions, 71
printer setup, 416-419
rescue disks, 61
root partitions, 73
root passwords, 82
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 149
Start menu options, 445
supplemental disks, rawrite program, 61
swap partitions, 71-72
technical support, 22
update/bug fix packages, 39
upgrades, 66
X applications, 444
xv screen-capture program, 446
Redirect directive, Apache, 688
redirecting input to commands/programs, < (less than)symbol, 355
redirecting output to files, greater than (>) symbol,355
references, Web page links, 624
RefererIgnore directive, Apache, 696
RefererLog directive, Apache, 696
regular expressions
special characters, 358-359
strings, 358
relative path names, 305
access via r- commands, 589
connections, network planning, 481
directory listings, FTP, 584
file transfers via FTP, 580
terminal sessions via telnet, 578
removable drives supported, 778
directories or files, 323-325
user accounts, 222-223
see also deleting
renice command, running process priorities, 399-400
repartitioning DOS drives
alternatives, 21
Red Hat Linux install, 44
repeaters, distributed processing, 169
repeating commands
prior commands, 107
vi, 199
via while loop, 377-378
replace commands, vi, 195-196
replace options, emacs, 551-553
replacing current emacs buffer with new file, 547
replies, e-mail, 641-642
report fields, routing table, 490
require directive, Apache, 704
requirements for Linux install
CD-ROMs, 34
CPUs, 31
disk space, 32
floppy drives, 32
hard drives, 32
hardware, 30
memory, 31
mice, 36
modems, 35
monitors, 33
network access, 35
printers, 37
swap partitions, 33
system bus, 31
tape drives, 36
rescue disks, Red Hat Linux, 61
rescue utilities, 213
resolv.conf file, 505
resolvers, DNS, 503
resolving IP addresses to host names, DNS, 502
resource files, X Windows, 438
resource records, DNS, 508-510
CNAME, 512
fields, 509
HINFO, 512
MX, 512
name-server, 512
NS, 513
PTR, 513
SOA, 511
ResourceConfig file, Apache, 684
resources, user usage, 392
restarting kerneld daemon, after module install, 262
files, 232-233
system from backups, 227-230
retaining vi settings for all sessions, 204
remote files, FTP, 584
system configuration data, 437
reverse DNS resolution, 503, 508
RFCs (Request For Comments), 465
e-mail standards, 520
network-related, 471
pertinent to sendmail, 520-521
ring network topology, 170
RIP (Routing Information Protocol), 465, 476
rlogin command, command-line options, 589-590
rm command, deleting files, 117, 323-325
rmdir command, deleting directories, 116
rmmod command, deleting kernel modules, 261
RMON (Remote Monitor), 465
rn newsreader, 667
ROFL (Rolling on the Floor, Laughing), 657
root accounts
logins/logouts, 108
passwords, 237
security, 244
root command, 108
root directories, 266, 304, 676, 679
root file system, checking via fsck command, 280
root logins, 164
root name servers, viewing via nslookup, 514
root partition
Linux packages install, 99
Red Hat Linux, 73
root passwords
Linux, 101
Red Hat Linux, 82
root user, 146
rotating Apache logfiles automatically, 713
route program
adding routes to routing table, 491
arguments, 491
static IP routing, 489
distributed processing, 169
network planning, 481�
adding to routing table, 491
eth0 network interface, 493
Ethernet interface, 493
gateways, 493
loopback interface, 492
deleting routes, 493
networks, 475-478
policies, 489
TCP/IP, 489
routing tables
adding gateway routes, 492
kernel, 490
report fields, 490
viewing, 490, 497
rpc.mountd daemon, 275
rpc.nfsd daemon, 275
RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), 465
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 149-150
installing packages, 150-151, 255
locating packages, 150-153
syntax, 149-150
uninstalling packages, 151-152
upgrading packages, 152
verifying packages, 153-154
Web site URL, 149
rsh command, 590
RTFM (Read the Forgotten Manual), 657
rulesets, sendmail, 528-529
run levels, 208-212
commands periodically, crontab command, 363
fdisk command, 283
DOS programs under Linux, 127
programs, 120
Windows programs under Linux, 143


S3 cards supported, 787
safrm shell script, safe file removal, 349
configuring, 293-296
installing, 292
server, 300
sharing directories, 298
smbclient program
commands, 300-301
SMB share access, 300
testparm program, testing smb.conf file, 299
Sausage Software Web site, HTML editors, 611
emacs files, 547
e-mail, 639-640, 648
prior kernel versions, 258
buffer, 187
files, 183, 187-188
text edits, 180
/sbin directory, 267
/sbin/route, command-line arguments, 490
sc spreadsheet calculator, 121
scanners supported, 782-783
background processes, 362, 388-390
backups, 226-228
commands, 385
tasks, 388-390
scoreboard files, Apache, 711
screen backward option, vi, 191
screen, clearing, 117
screen components, emacs, 542
Screen section, XF86Config file, 436
script aliases, Apache, 677
script interpreter, Seyon telecom program, 456
ScriptAlias directive, Apache, 688
adduser, SLIP service accounts, 568
adduser command, 221
chat, 570
configure, Apache, 673
dynamic IP addresses, 567
init, Apache startup, 677-678
init command, 209-210
shell scripts, 208, 340�
static IP addresses, 566
see also shell scripts
scrolling keystrokes, emacs, 549
SCSI adapters supported, 792
SCSI controllers, Linux install needs, 32
supported, 768-769
SCSI devices/drivers, Red Hat Linux install, 66
se number command, displaying text line numbers in vi,194
search and replace commands
emacs, 551-553
vi, 194, 198
search engines, 598-599
anonymous FTP, archie, 602
Boolean expressions, 600
files, 327-331
tar utility backups, 230
gopher, 605
Internet, WAIS, 608
keywords, 599
mailing lists, 607
telnet, 604
Usenet, 606
veronica, 606
Web browsers, 601
WWW, 598
secret keys, CHAP, 574
sections, XF86Config file, 431
secure Web transactions, Apache-SSL, 681
security, 236, 245
CGI scripts, 714
publicly-writable spaces, 716
server-side includes, 715
symbolic links, 715
Web servers, 714
authentication, 246
command accounts, 240
default accounts, 239
file systems, 240-241
group accounts, 240�
handling breaches, 245
logins, 238
modems, 244
passwords, 151, 237, 248
permissions, 245
physical, 236-237
planning system security, 243
PPP service, 574
recording su command usage, 243
root accounts, 244
social engineering issues, 242
terminal lockouts, 244
user accounts, 239
networks, 476
Transport layer, 468
selection program, copying text to command line, 107
semicolons (;), delimiting commands, 360
e-mail, 631-632, 638
binary, 632
to remote systems via FTP, 585
sendmail, 519, 524
aliases, 529
architecture, 525
-bd flag, 525
configuring, 525-527
handshaking, 522
historical overview, 524
named option commands, 528
pertinent RFCs, 520-521
preprocesso macro, 526
-q switch, 525
-q1h switch, 525
rulesets, 528-529
running as daemon, 525
SMTP protocol, 522
starting, 525
sendmail.cf file, 526
server host name, Apache configure, 676
server root, Apache, 673, 676
server startup error messages, Apache, 680
server status message recipients, Apache, 676
server-push animations, Apache, 713
server-side includes, Apache, 693, 712, 715
ServerFlags section, XF86Config file, 432
servers, 597
Apache, configuring, 684
archie, 602
centralized processing, 167
distributed processing, file servers, 169
name server, 506
testing via nslookup utility, 515
gopher, 606
Metro-X, Red Hat Linux, 444
NNTP, Usenet connections, 534
Samba, 300
UNIX connections, 166
Web servers, 672
X Windows, 424
services, 597
configuring, 573
security, 574
SLIP, diplogin options, 568
starting at boot, Red Hat Linux, 80-81
Session layer, OSI model, 467
Session PAM module, 247
FTP, 580, 585-586
telnet, 579
set command
environment variables, 344
vi, viewing settings, 203
set search command, archie, 604
settings, kernel configuration, 255
Seyon telecom program
dialing directory, 455
file transfers, 456
script interpreter, 456
Slackware Linux package, 455
terminal emulation, 455
translation modes, 456
SGIDs (Set Group IDs), file permissions, 242
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 610
sh -x command, shell script step display, 366
shadow passwords, 248
Shadow Suite
password shadowing, 248
user account password shadowing, 249
useradd command, 249
userdel command, 250
usermod utility, 250
shared-file messaging, 518
sharing directories, Samba, 298
shell environment, configuring, 344
shell programs, writing, 367
shell scripts, 340, 365
adduser command, 221
boot process, 208-210
comments, 368
displaying steps, echo command, 367
executing from any directory, 347
exit status, 373
menu options, 371
running commands, 362
safrm, safe file removal, 349
special characters, ignoring, 371
step display, sh -x command, 366
test command options, 374
tracing steps, echo command, 367
command line parameters, 369
command result assignments, 370
direct assignment, 368
read command assignments, 369
shell variables, substituting, 356-357
shells, 338-339
background processing, 361
bash, 340
Bourne, 340
C, 340
command aliases, 380
command line parsing, 350
customizing, 378-379
determining usage, echo command, 340
environment variables, 347-348
exporting variables, 378-379
Korn, 340
pdksh, 339�
user accounts, 110
shouting, Usenet, 662
show search command, archie, 604
showmode option, vi, 203
shutting down, 215
command, 119
halt/reboot commands, 216
Linux, 119
sigfiles (signature files)
newsgroup postings, 535
Usenet, 658, 665
Web pages, 620
SIGHUP signal, Apache logfile rotation, 713
signal-to-noise, Usenet, 657
simply dos command, DOS editor, 127
single dot (.), path names, 305, 308
single quotes, ignoring special characters, 371
sizeof function, 329
Slackware Linux package
Seyon telecom program, 455
X applications, 448
xcalc program, 451
xgrab program, 457
xlock program, 458
xspread program, 454
xterm program, 448
slash character (/), root directory, 304
SLIP interface (Serial Line), 489
SLIP protocol (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 173, 562
SLIP service, 568
smart terminals, centralized processing, 167
SMB protocol (Session Message Block), seeSamba
SMB servers, directory sharing, 298
SMB services, starting/stopping, 300
SMB share access, smbclient program, 300
smb.conf file, 293-296
[global] section, 297
[homes] section, 297
[printers] section, 298
testing, 299
smbclient program, 292
commands, 300-301
SMB share access, 300�
smbd daemon, 292
smbstatus utility, 292
smileys, 658, 662
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 465, 522
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 466
SOA records, DNS, 510-511
social engineering, security issues, 242
soft mounts, NFS file system, 278
installing, 146-149
file permissions, 157
non-Linux programs, 154-157
RPM, 150-151
sys admin duties, 148-149
troubleshooting, 157
listing packages, 150-153
networks, 172
support, 20-21
uninstalling, 158
RPM, 151-152
upgrading, 146-147, 152
WordPerfect for Linux, 23
see also packages; programs
software loopback interface, configuring, 488
sound cards supported, 773-774
source code files, 255
space allocations, partitions, 98
spam, 664
child processes, 385
newsgroups, 533
special characters
regular expressions, 358-359
shell scripts, ignoring, 371
specific time task scheduling, at command, 386-387
spikes, Web server requests, 711
spoofing, DNS, 503
spreadsheet emulation, 454
square bracket [] expression, 354
SRAM cards supported, 792
SRC= filename attribute, IMG tags, 626
srm.conf file, 676, 684
ssh command, 592-593
ssh utility, 210
Stallman, Richard, 800
installing, 807-822
star network topology, 170
Start menu options, Red Hat Linux, 445
debugging problems, 679
init script, 677-678
DOOM for Linux, 459
DOSEMU program, 134
elm mailer, 649
emacs, 540
fdisk, 281
fdisk command, 283
FTP, 583
mail program, 632
sendmail, 525
SMB services, 300
telnet, 578, 605
vi, 181
xf86Config program, 437
StartServers setting, Apache Web server, 711
case, 372
see also structures
static IP addresses, dip program, 566
static IP routing, route command, 489
status line, vi, 180
status of processes, ps command, 394-395
stderr file, processes, 350
stdin file, processes, 350
stdout file, processes, 350
sticky bits, 311
emacs, 543-544
Linux, 119
processes, kill command, 400-401
SMB services, 300
storage issues, backups, 227-228
strings, regular expressions, 358
STRONG tags, Web pages, 618
structure of WWW, 596
case structures, 372
control, 367
decision structures, 371
if…then…else structures, 374
iterative structures, 371, 376
stty command, control key parameters, 343
stty sane command, most reasonable control key setting,344
su command
recording resource usage for system security, 243
switching users, 110
backups, 231-232
/usr directory, 269
IP addresses, 485
subnet masks, 474
subscriptions, newsgroups, 663
subshells, 360
command results, 357
shell variables, 356-357
SUIDs (Set User IDs), file permissions, 241
Sun Sparc systems, Red Hat Linux installs, 83
SuperProbe video hardware data, 431
superusers, 108, 146, 164
supplemental disks, Red Hat Linux, 41, 61
surge suppressors, 236
suspending emacs sessions, 545
swais clients, 608
swap files, 288-289, 427
swap partitions, 99, 285, 288
activating, swapon command, 72
Linux install issues, 33
Red Hat Linux, 71-72
space requirements, 37
swapoff command, deactivating swap files, 289
swapon command, 72, 288
cpio command, 232
tar utility, 229
user accounts, su command, 110
virtual terminals
Alt + function keys, 338
emacs, 545
symbolic links, Apache security, 715
syntax, sendmail rulesets, 528
sys admin (systems administrator), 21, 146-149, 175-176
backups, 246
hardware/software issues, 172
role and duties, 164-165
security, 245
system bus, Linux install issues, 31
system clock, configuring
Linux, 100
Red Hat Linux, 79
System Commander, multiple operating system option, 39,60
system mailbox, e-mail, 630
system prompt, 106
system requirements
disk space, 21
OpenLinux Lite install, 88
system restoration from backups, 227-230
system security, 236


t command, changing partition types, 286
-t flag, 351
-t option, dip program, 563
Tab key, completing commands automatically, 107
tables, inode tables, 307-308
tags, HTML, 614
attributes, 613-614
DD, 621
DL, 621
DT, 621�
IMG, 626
LI, 620
OL, 621
text formatting, 618
UL, 620
Tannebaum, Andrew, 23-25
tape drives
backups, 226
Linux install issues, 36
supported, 775
tar files, 154
decompressing, 155-156
viewing documentation files, 156
tar utility
archives, compressing, 230
automating backup commands, 231
backups, 229
directories, 231-232
multivolume, 230
subdirectories, 231-232
command parameters, 229
f option, 230
find command, 230
m option, 230
v option, 230
verbose mode, 230
z option, 230-231
down time scheduling, 388
regular basis scheduling, 389-390
specific time scheduling, 386-387
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 466, 524
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol),172, 484
configuring, Red Hat Linux, 79
history, 464
configuration files, 484
connections, 477-478
dynamic IP routing, 489
host name to IP address mapping, 484�
monitoring, netstat program, 493
static IP routing, 489
ports, Apache, 675
protocol stack, 468
routing, 489
tcsh shell, configuring newsreaders, 534
technical support, 20-22
Tektronix 4014, xterm emulator, 449
telecomuunications options, minicom, 122
Telnet, 466, 604
archie searches, 603
command-line arguments, 578
configuring for Netscape, 605
example session, 579
quitting, 579
remote terminal sessions, 578
starting, 578, 605
WAIS searches, 608
TERM variable, 348
determining display settings, 180
problems, checking settings, 181
TERMCAP environment variables, xterm program, 449
Seyon telecom program, 455
xterm program, 449
environment, configuring, 341
lockouts, security, 244
logins, 338
see also dumb terminals; smart terminals
all background processes, 402
commands, carriage returns, 360
processes, kill command, 400-401
test command
number comparisons, 375
testing shell scripts, 374
network connections, 174�
smb.conf file, 299
testparm program, testing smb.conf file, 292, 299
Tetris game, 124
adding, emacs, 550
adding lines, vi, 182
alternate text, non-graphic browsers, 626
buffer storage, 180
changing/replacing in vi, 195-196
emacs, 554
to command line, 107
vi, 198
see also yank command
cutting, 197-198, 365
emacs, 550
vi, 193
editing, vi, 180
formatting Web pages, 615-617
opening line in vi buffer, 192
emacs, 554
vi, 197-198
saving edits, vi, 180
search and replace options, emacs, 551-553
typing in vi input mode, 191
Web pages, 618
text editors
emacs, 540
e-mail messages, 634-635
ex, 178
vi, 178
vim, 178
text formatting tags, HTML, 618
text-based interactive program, kernel install, 255-256
text-entry mode
vi, 179, 182
see also input mode
tgz file extension, 155
threads, newsgroup articles, 664
throttling Web server cloning, 678
TI calculator emulation, 451-452
tilde character (~), home directory reference, 108
time slices, 382
time zone, configuring
Linux, 100
Red Hat Linux, 79
time-field options, crontab command, 390
time-sharing, 382
time/date stamps, changing, 331
timefmt directive, Apache, 695
Timeout directive, Apache, 708
TIN newsreader, 534
tips and guidelines for posting newsgroup articles, 663
TITLE tags, HTML, 613-615
/tmp directory, 268
ToCommand option, xgrab program, 457
toggle options, vi, 203
TOP attribute, IMG tags, 626
topologies of networks, 170
Torvalds, Linus, 14, 25-26
touch command, changing time/date stamps, 331
touch screens supported, 784
tracing shell scripts, echo command, 367
tracking file transfer status, FTP, 585
training network administrators, 175-176
translation modes, Seyon telecom program, 456
Transport layer, OSI model, 467
Trek game, 125
trn newsreader, 667
at command, 391
crontab command, 391
DNS, 514
file editing, 544
odd buffer displays, 543
search and replace option, 552
text deletion, 554
FTP, binary file transfers, 589
printing, 415-416
Red Hat Linux install, 52-56, 86
software installations, 157
editing files, 184
opening files, 184
searches, 195
startup, 181�
TERM variable settings, 181
tty command, 309
tuning performance, Apache, 712, 717
tutorials, emacs, 541
TV tuners supported, 785
twm window manager, 441
types of partitions, 49
TypesConfig directive, Apache, 686
typing text, vi input mode, 191
TZ variable, 348


U tags, HTML, 618
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 466
UL tags, HTML, 620
umount command, 273
uncompress command, 156
unconditional termination, background processes, 402
undeleting e-mail, 640
undeliverable e-mail, 631
underline text, Web pages, 618
undo command
emacs, 546
vi, 186-187
LILO program, 101
software packages, 158
with RPM, 151-152
UNIX, 14
directories, 313-315
history, 23-25
administration, 172
monitoring, 174
network administrators, 172
software upgrades, 175
systems administrator, hardware/software issues, 172
servers, connections, 166
system administration, 164
versus Linux, 19
Web servers, 672
forking, 678
unmaintained HOWTOs, 741
unmounting file systems, 273
unordered lists, Web pages, 620
unsupported hardware, 795
unused accounts, security, 239
unzip command, 332
unzipping files, 154-156
update/bug fix packages
Caldera OpenLinux, 40
Red Hat Linux, 39
updating time/date stamps, 331
kernels, 158, 159
Red Hat Linux, 66, 152
software, 146-147, 175
UPSs supported, 786
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 597
Caldera Web site, 88
Web pages, 614
links, 624
see also Web sites
Usenet, 532
* for article emphasis, 662
alt.* newsgroups, 533
articles, 656
headers, 664
limiting distribution, 660
posting, 657
bandwidth, 657
configuring clients, 534
connections via NNTP servers, 534
de.* newsgroups, 533
differences from BBSes, 656
emoticons, 662
etiquette guidelines, 536
FAQs, 657
flames, 657, 661, 666
FYI, 657
IMHO, 657
kill files, 666�
Linux newsgroups, 722-724
moderators, 536
net.personalities, 657
netiquette, 661, 666
newbies, 657
news, 656
news feeds, 656
news.announce.newusers newsgroup, 534
news.answers newsgroup, mailing lists, 607
newsgroups, 532, 657
alt.*, 660
culture, 662
e-mail replies, 664
follow-up articles, 665
hierarchies, 533, 659
moderated, 663
posting articles, 665
reading articles, 664
subscriptions, 663
newsreaders, 534-535, 656-657
posting messages, 535
quotes and quotebacks, 657
rn newsreader, 667
ROFL, 657
RTFM, 657
searches, Web browsers, 606
shouting, 662
sigfiles, 535, 658, 665
signal-to-noise, 657
smileys, 658, 662
spam, 664
threads, 664
user accounts, 106
adding, 108, 111
configuring, 174
groups, 223
passwords, 222
dial-up passwords, 251
groups, 223
home directories, 110
Linux config, 101
logins, 220-222
logouts, 108
managing, 220
passwd command, account security options, 250
passwords, 110, 220-221
changing, 113
file entries, 220
shadowing, 249
removing, 222-223
root, 108
accounts without passwords, 239
command accounts, 240
default accounts, 239
guest accounts, 239
logins, 238
unused accounts, 239
shells, 110
switching, su command, 110
user names, 109
verifying, 110
verifying passwords, 250
user authentication, Apache, 704
user directories, 692
user identity/type of work on system, ps command, 243
user IDs, Apache, 675
user interfaces, X Windows, 425
user name/password invalid error message, 108
user names, accounts, 106, 109
User/Group Manager options, XFree86 Control Panel, 111
user/group name error messages, Apache, 680
useradd command, Shadow Suite, 249
userdel, Shadow Suite, 250
UserDir directive, Apache, 692
usermod utility, Shadow Suite, 250
logged on system, who command, 392
monitoring processes, 397
resource usage, who command, 392
specific user system access, 393-394
USL (UNIX System Laboratories), UNIX development, 24
/usr directory, subdirectories, 269
backups, 229
finger, verifying user accounts, 110
Linuxconf, Web-based system administration, 224
DNS testing, 515
viewing root name servers, 514
rescue, 213�
smbstatus, 292
SuperProbe video hardware data, 431
testparm, 292
usermod, Shadow Suite, 250
see also commands
UUCP (UNIX to UNIX Copy), 532, 658


-v option, tar utility, 230
V7 UNIX, UUCP messaging program, 532
values, variables
command line parameters, 369
command result assignments, 370
direct assignment, 368
read command assignments, 369
/var directory, 268
variables, 367
Bourne shell environment, 345
dip program, 565
environment, 346, 352
exporting to shells, 378-379
HOME, 347
MAIL, 348
mail program environment, 647
PATH, 345-347
PS1, 348
scripts, 368-370
substituting, 356-357
TERM, 348
determining display settings, 180
TZ, 348
values, 368-370
verbose mode, tar utility, 230
backups, 227
group accounts, 250
packages, 153-154
partitions, 284-285
passwords, 250
accounts, 110
identity, 246
veronica searches, 606
versions of kernel, determining, 254
versions of Linux, 16
vi text editor, 178
<a> command, 191
abandoning file changes, 186
adding lines of text, 182
append command, 191
big-movement keys, 190
buffer, saving, 187
change commands, 195-196
command mode, 179-182
repeating, 199
summary, 199-201
text deletion, 193
composing e-mail messages, 634-635
configuring, 201-202
correcting mistakes, 183
cursor movement, 180
cursor positioning commands, 190
cutting text, 197-198
deleting text, 193
displaying text line numbers, 194
editing text, 180
creating, 182
editing, 183
overwriting, 188
saving, 183, 187-188
full-screen editor, 178-179
home position, 190
<i> command, 191
input mode, 179, 182, 191
last line on-screen, 190
<o> command, 192
opening line of text in buffer, 192
<p> command, 197
pasting text, 197-198
positioning cursor, 189
quitting, 184-185
replace commands, 195-196
buffer, 187�
text edits, 180
screen backward/forward option, 191
search and replace commands, 194, 198
settings, 204
showmode option, 203
starting, 181
status line, 180
TERM variable, determining display settings, 180
addition commands, 193
changing/replacing, 195-196
copying, 198
text-entry mode, 179
toggle options, 203
startup, 181
TERM variable settings, 181
undo command, 186-187
viewing settings, 203
writing files, 187
yank commands, copying text, 198
determining settings in vi, 180
monitor, clearing, 117
see also monitors
video cards
chipsets, Linux support, 34
installing, 430
supported, 784-785
XFree86, X servers, 429
XFree86 compatible, 428
active network connections, 494
documentation files, 156
file contents, 325-329
binary files, 327-329
cat command, 326
escaping to shell, 327
more/less commands, 326
searching contents, 327
HTML source code, 613�
kernel modules, 260
root name servers, 514
routing table, 490, 497
tar listings, 156
vi settings, 203
vim text editor, 178
virtual hosts, Apache, 705
virtual memory, X Windows, 427
virtual terminals, 545
logins, 338
switching, 338
X Windows, 440
Virtualhost directive, Apache, 675
vt102 xterm emulation, 449
VTs (Virtual Terminals), 466


w command
saving vi buffer, 187
writing partition table data to disk, 72, 286
WABI (Windows Applications Binary Interface), 21
WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers), 608
watchdog timer interfaces supported, 787
Web, see WWW
Web browsers, 597, 610
alternate text for non-graphic browsers, 626
Netscape telnet configuration, 605
archie, 602
FTP, 601
gopher, 605
telnet, 604
Usenet, 606
Web pages
addresses, 620
anchors, 623-625
body section, 613
bold text, 618
combined lists, 622
definition lists, 621
formatting text, 617
graphics, 625
alternate text, non-graphic browsers, 626
inline images, 626
links, 627
headings, 613-615
horizontal lines, 617
inline images, 626
italic text, 618
line breaks, 617
links, 596, 623
graphics, 626
naming, 625
page link references, 624
lists, nesting, 622
ordered lists, 620
paragraph breaks, 617
paragraphs, 617
preformatted text, 618
signatures, 620
source code example, 612
STRONG tags, 618
text formatting, 617-618
underline text, 618
unordered lists, 620
URLs, 614
Web servers, 672
configuring, 684
see also Apache
forking, 678
spikes in requests, 711
Web sites
access methods, 597
archie servers, 602
Caldera, 88
online catalog, 23
document conversions, 611
FTP, 602
gopher, 606
conversion software, 611
HTML editor listings, 611
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, MIME types list, 686
links, 596
Linux, 722
Linux Installation and Getting Guide, 26
Macromedia, HTML editors, 611
NIC, obtaining IP addresses, 471
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 149
Sausage Software, HTML editors, 611
ssh utility, 211
URLs, 597, 614
Web-based system administration, Linuxconf utility, 224
while loops, 377-378
who command, 392
widgets, resource specifications, 457
asterisk (*), 353
filename matching, 352
question mark (?), 354
window managers, X Windows
CDE, 444
Enlightenment, 444
fvwm, 442
fvwm95, 443
KDE, 444
olwm, 443
twm, 441
Applications Binary Interface (WABI), 21
running programs under Linux, 143
support, 20
windows, active, 440
Wine Windows emulator, 143-144
WordPerfect for Linux, 23
workbone CD player, 120
workstations, distributed processing, 169
e-mail messages, 633
files, vi, 187
HOWTOs, 741
partition table data to disk, w command, 72
shell programs, 367
WWW (World Wide Web), 464, 596
e-mail, see e-mail
searches, 598�
Boolean expressions, 600
keywords, 599
sendmail configuration files, 526
structure, 596


X applications
Red Hat Linux options, 444
Slackware Linux package, 448
X Bitmap files, Web page graphics, 626
X servers
video cards, XFree86, 429
virtual terminals, 440
X Windows, 422, 440
active window, 440
clients, 424
kernel install, 257
Red Hat Linux, 78
DOOM for Linux
installing, 458
starting, 459
input capabilities, 425
installing, 429
kerneld daemon, kernel module options, 260
lockout options, 458
menus, 440
network transparency, 424
output capabilities, 424
overview of system, 423
probe only mode, system configuration data, 437
resource files, 438
servers, 424
user interfaces, 425
memory, 427
terminals, 440
window managers
CDE, 444
Enlightenment, 444
fvwm, 442
fvwm95, 443
KDE, 444
olwm, 443
twm, 441
xterm sessions, 440
xcalc program, Slackware Linux package, 451
XENIX, 24-25
XF86Config program, 431
building via xf86Config program, 437
Device section, 435
Files section, 432
file values, 437
Keyboard section, 433
Monitor section, 434-435
Pointer section, 433
Screen section, 436
sections, 431
ServerFlags section, 432
starting, 437
XFree86, 422
accelerated chipsets, 428
configuring, 430-431
Control Panel, User/Group Manager options, 111
distribution files, 426
DOOM for Linux
installing, 458
starting, 459
hardware support, 427
historical overview, 423
input capabilities, 425
installing, 425, 429
pkgtool program, 425, 429
SuperProbe video hardware, 431
video cards, 430
output capabilities, 424
RAM, 427
resource files, 438
server, configuring Red Hat Linux, 78
swap files, 427
video cards, 428-429
xgrab program, 457
xlock program, Slackware Linux package, 458
XNS (Xerox Network Systems), 476
xspread program, Slackware Linux package, 454
xterm program
escape sequences, 450
mouse options, 450
sessions, 440
Slackware Linux package, 448
TERMCAP environment variables, 449
xv screen-capture program, Red Hat Linux, 446


y package, games, 124
Yahoo! search engine, 599
yank commands
emacs, 554
vi, 198


.z file extension, 155, 332
-z option, tar utility, compressing files, 230-231
zcat command, 332
zipping files, 332
zless command, 332
zmodem protocol, 124
zombie processes, 397
zones, DNS, 503

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