by Ed Treijs
- Starting (and Stopping!) Your Linux System
- Passwords
- Creating a New Login
- Logging Out
- Trying Out Your New Login
- Virtual Terminals
- Commands and Programs
Congratulations! Now that you have successfully installed Linux, you can start using
it. In this chapter we will look at the steps you need to take to begin working with
Linux, including the following:
- Starting and stopping Linux
- Logging in and out
- Creating a new user with adduser
- Changing your password
- Using virtual terminals
- Displaying system users with who
Depending on the setup you chose during Linux installation and configuration,
either Linux starts automatically when you power on your computer, or it requires
you to type something (such as Linux) to specify that you want to boot Linux.
As your Linux system starts up, you see quite a few Linux initialization messages
scroll through your screen. When Linux has completed its startup, you should see
the following prompt:
Welcome to Linux 2.0.0.
darkstar login:
WARNING: A Linux system
must always be shut down properly. Improper shutdown, such as simply turning off
your system, can cause serious damage to your Linux system! When you are finished
using your Linux system, you must shut it down properly, as described in the next
section. If you start to boot Linux, and then change your mind, you should let the
system start up fully and then follow the shutdown procedure.
Because you know how to start Linux, it's even more important to know how to shut
it down properly. Like many UNIX systems, if Linux is not powered down properly,
damage to files can result. The easiest way to ensure a proper shutdown is to press
the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously. (This is the famous Ctrl-Alt-Delete
"three-finger salute" used in DOS.)
Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete causes a number of advisory messages and Linux shutdown
messages to be displayed. You must wait until the Linux shutdown procedure has finished,
at which point your monitor shows the initial "power-on" screen, before
turning your computer off.
Linux waits for a login. A login is simply the name that you supply to Linux to
identify yourself to the operating system. Linux keeps track of which names are permitted
to log in or access the system, and only allows valid users to have access.
NOTE: If you supplied
a name to your system when installing Linux, the system name is used at the prompt.
In the login shown earlier, the system has been called darkstar. The system
name enables you to identify your machine to others when using networks or modem
connections. Don't worry if you didn't name your system yet, because you can change
the system's name at any time.
Every login name on the system is unique. Normally, a password is assigned to
each login, too. This secret password is like the identification number you use with
your bank card to prove that you really are who you say you are. Also, the things
you can do with your login--the login's privileges--are controlled by Linux; different
logins have different levels of privileges.
NOTE: Usually, login names
reflect a person's real name. Although you can't have two identically named logins
on your system, you can easily create logins for users with the same (real) name
by having one or two characters different. So, for example, the login names suej
and suek are treated by Linux as completely separate logins. Conversely,
there is no reason that one human being (for instance, yourself) can't have two,
three, or a dozen login names. In fact, because you will be the system administrator
of your Linux system, you will have one or more administrative logins, and one or
more regular user logins.
At the login prompt, try typing your name, your dog's name, or any other random
name that occurs to you. None of these are valid logins (at least not yet). The system
asks you for a password; it won't matter what you type, so just press Enter or type
a random string of characters. Because the logins are not valid on the system, Linux
won't let you in. It displays the message Login incorrect to tell you that
either the name or the password you entered is not valid.
The only valid login on your Linux system after installation is the most powerful
and dangerous login Linux offers: root. In the section "Creating a
New Login," later in this chapter, we will create a safe login for you to use.
This login can have your name, your dog's name, or whatever else you choose.
NOTE: The login prompt
is actually produced by a program called login whose only task is to accept
your user ID and password, verify it, and then display a message preventing your
access or letting you through to the next program that starts your user session.
You will have to use the root login from time to time. Some things simply
cannot be done on the Linux system without logging in as root. You should
not, however, use the root login as your regular login. This is especially
true if you are exploring the system, poking around, and trying out new commands
that may not do what you thought they would!
Linux, as you already know, is a multiuser, multitasking operating system. Multiuser
means that several people can be using Linux at the same time (of course, you have
to add some additional terminals to your system, or it will get very crowded around
the keyboard). Multitasking means that Linux can do more than one thing at a time.
For example, you can spell-check a document while downloading information from some
remote system. (Multiuser implies multitasking, because all users must be able to
do their own work at the same time.) Linux, therefore, is very good at juggling all
these tasks, keeping them from interfering with each other, and providing safeguards
so that you cannot damage the system or another user's work.
WARNING: The root
login does not restrict you in any way. With one simple command, issued either on
purpose or by accident, you can destroy your entire Linux installation. For this
reason, use the root login only when necessary. Avoid experimenting with
commands when you do log in as root.
When you log in as root, you become the system. The root login
is also sometimes called the superuser login, and with good reason. To use an analogy,
instead of being a passenger on an airplane, you suddenly have all the privileges
of the flight crew, the mechanics, and the cabin crew. "Hmm, what does this
do?" becomes an extremely dangerous phrase when logged in as root.
One of the oldest stories in UNIX lore tells of new users who log in as root
and, in 10 keystrokes, destroy their system completely and irrevocably. But if you're
careful to follow the steps given here, and stop and take a moment to think about
the commands you are giving, none of the "How many new users does it take to
nuke a system?" jokes will apply to you!
NOTE: System administrator
is another term you will see often. A system administrator is the actual person who
sets up and maintains the Linux system. The amount of work involved in system administration
varies from system to system. A full-time system administrator may be required in
an office for powerful machines that have many users, peripheral units such as printers
and tape drives, and are connected to a network. Your Linux system will not require
that level of dedication! System administration, because it deals with sensitive
matters such as creating or deleting log-ins, requires superuser privileges. These
privileges are provided by the root login. So, the sys-tem administrator
is an actual person wielding superuser powers gained by logging in as root.
After all the cautions about using the root login, we're going to have
you log in as root. Because root is the only authorized login on
a newly installed Linux system, this is unavoidable. Also, we will be performing
a couple of important procedures that require root privileges. However,
after this first login, we will create a user ID that can prevent accidental damage
to the operating system.
At the login prompt
darkstar login:
and press the Enter key. After installation, the root login has no password,
so you are not prompted for one.
NOTE: Linux is case-sensitive
(as are all UNIX versions). A capital R is, to Linux, a completely different
letter from a lowercase r. When you type Linux commands, you must use the
proper case or Linux will not understand them. The majority of Linux commands are
typed in lowercase. This includes the login root; if you type Root
or rOoT, Linux will reject the login. There is a curious exception, though.
If you type the login IN ALL CAPITALS, the system will accept it--but from
then on, everything on your screen will be in capital letters! This is left over
from the days when some terminals only had uppercase letters. Although these terminals
are now all gone or in museums, the login program retains this historical curiosity.
After you have logged in as root, the system starts up a user session
for you. At this point, you should see the following on your screen:
darkstar login: root
Last login: Sun Dec 11 17:26:18 on tty1
Linux 2.0.0.
You have mail.
If it's Tuesday, this must be someone else's fortune.
Linux tells you when the login for this user was last recorded (although this
information may not appear the very first time you log in), and then provides you
with some version information. Linux also tells you that this login has a mail message
waiting to be read. Finally, if games were installed on your system, Linux gives
you a witty saying or aphorism.
It is always good practice to scan the line that starts with Last login,
and check that the time given is correct. This is especially important if your Linux
system is accessed by other users or connected to other systems. If the time given
does not look right, it could be that someone is using the login to break into your
system, or using your username without your permission.
We will read the mail message later, after taking care of some important steps.
If you are curious, the same mail message is sent by the install procedure when the
operating system is installed. It concerns registration matters for Linux.
Your "fortune" is chosen randomly from a long list, so don't expect
to see the same one shown in the previous example. If you didn't install the games
package during the Linux installation routine, you won't see a fortune. You can install
the games package at any time.
The final line you see on the screen is the system prompt. This tells you that
Linux is waiting for you to type in your commands--it's prompting you for input.
The system prompt also displays the following useful information:
- darkstar is the system name.
- The ~ character indicates your location in the file system (explained
in Chapter 8, "File System").
- The # character usually specifically indicates that you're logged in
as root (although the $ sign is used in some operating systems,
which makes it difficult to quickly ascertain whether you are logged in as root
or a regular user). According to UNIX conventions, regular user prompts are either
% or $, depending on the shell; while # is reserved for
root. These symbols are called shell prompts because they are used by the
shell to prompt you for commands.
In Linux (and just about all other UNIX systems) the superuser login name is root.
No matter how humble or huge the system, if you can log in as root, the
system is wide open for you to do whatever you want. Obviously, letting just anyone
log in as root is unacceptable because it exposes the system to too much
potential for serious damage.
To prevent unauthorized access, the root login should always have a password,
and that password should be secure. You may have noticed that Linux did not ask for
a root password. That is because, on installation, the root password
is set to the null string, which is a word with no characters. With root
and any other login, Linux does not bother asking for the password if it's the null
The null string is the least secure password there is, because anyone who knows
a valid user name (such as root) can access the system. It is up to you
to change the password. Linux lets you choose what the new password will be, and
accepts it without complaint. Unfortunately, this can lead to a false sense of security.
It was noticed a long time ago that users chose passwords that they could easily
remember: their dog's name, their birthday, their hometown, their spouse's name,
and so on. The problem is that these passwords were also easy to break, either through
guessing or by more sophisticated means. This led some system administrators to insist
on difficult-to-break, randomly picked passwords (such as S8t6WLk). People
could not remember these passwords at all, so they wrote them down on pieces of paper
and stuck them on their desks. Others, who were trying to break into the system,
would find these pieces of paper and gain use of that login.
The best passwords are ones with a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase
letters, and numbers, that are still easy to remember. Fri13th, 22Skidoo,
and 2Qt4U are just a few examples. These hard-to-guess passwords are known
as strong passwords, while easy-to-guess ones are called weak.
Of course, you should never use these exact passwords, or any other published
sample passwords, because they're so easy to guess. There are many mischievous minds
out there who, on strolling by a Linux system, might try root and Fri13th
for the fun of it. You don't want to be the one with the nightmare of getting your
system broken into.
For the best security, passwords should be changed every so often. Many system
administrators recommend once every two or three months as reasonable. This guards
against dictionary-based guessing attacks, and also minimizes damage in cases in
which the password has been broken but nothing has really been done with it yet.
NOTE: Don't leave your
terminal unattended while you're logged in. The idly malicious may take the opportunity
to make some changes to your files, or send a nasty mail message off to people you'd
hate to alienate. Always log out or lock your terminal when you leave.
Of course, the amount of system security you require depends on how much access
there is to your system, and how sensitive the information found on it is. The root
password should always be a good, secure one. If nothing else, it will discourage
you from casually logging on as root, especially if you leave your user
logins with null passwords.
If you are using Linux at home for experimenting, much of the security worries
mentioned previously may seem silly. However, it doesn't hurt to use good security,
and the practice can be carried over to larger UNIX systems at work.
We must assign a password for the root login using the Linux command
passwd. The spelling of the command has its history in the development of
UNIX, when long commands, such as password, were avoided due to the number
of characters that had to be typed! To change the root password at the system
prompt, type the command passwd, and you see the following:
darkstar:~# passwd
Changing password for root
Enter new password:
At the prompt, type your new, secure password. What you type is not displayed
on the screen. This keeps anyone looking over your shoulder (called "shoulder
surfing") from reading the password you've entered.
WARNING: Make sure you
type the password slowly and carefully! If any other user's password is lost or forgotten,
it can be reset by the root login. But, if the root password is
lost or forgotten, you must reinstall Linux.
Because it's so important that passwords are entered correctly, the system double-checks
the spelling of the password for you by asking you to type it again:
Re-type new password:
Again, what you type is not displayed on the screen. If your two password entries
match, you see the following:
Password changed.
The password is now changed in the system's configuration files. If the two entries
do not match completely (remember, case is important), Linux gives you the message
You misspelled it. Password not changed.
and changes are not made to the password. You need to start over with the passwd
WARNING: Do not forget
your new root password! Chant it to yourself before going to sleep, if necessary.
But don't write it down on a piece of paper and slip it under the keyboard, either!
TIP: If you want to leave
a program right away and return to the shell prompt, try Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl
key and press C; this is sometimes written as ^C). This usually terminates whatever
program you're in (usually without ill effects), and redisplays the shell prompt.
Now that you have assigned a password for the root account, the next
thing you should do is create a login with which you can safely explore the Linux
system and try out some of the basic commands covered in the following chapters.
Linux has a utility called adduser, which simplifies and automates the task
of adding a new user to the system. (This isn't how they did it in the good old days.
You should be glad. In the past, files had to be manually edited to add users, a
tedious and error-prone process.)
To create a user, at the shell prompt type adduser:
darkstar:~# adduser
Adding a new user. The username should be not exceed 8 characters
in length, or you many run into problems later.
Enter login name for new account (^C to quit):
Login names are used by valid system users. You can create a login for yourself
that you will use permanently, or you can create a temporary login for exploring
the system and remove it later. Login names can be any character or number string
you want. Typically, login names bear a resemblance to the user's real name, so Joe
Smith's login name may be joe, jsmith, or joes.
At the adduser prompt, enter the login name that you want to create.
It is advisable to use all lowercase letters to avoid confusion. Do not exceed the
eight-character limit at this point.
For our example in this chapter, we'll create the user fido. (After all,
as the old joke goes, "On the Internet, no one knows if you're a dog!")
Of course, you will see your choice on the screen in place of fido.
Enter login name for new account (^C to quit): fido
Editing information for new user [fido]
Full Name:
The adduser utility asks a set of questions about the new user and the
type of environment to present her with when she logs in. At this prompt, you can
type the full name of the user. Uppercase and spaces are fine. This information is
not mandatory, but it is used by the system for some other tasks.
Full Name: Fido Dog
GID [100]:
The system is waiting for you to provide a GID or Group ID, which is discussed
in more detail in Chapter 39, "Devices." The last part of the prompt, [100],
means that it's suggesting a GID of 100. This is the default choice.
TIP: In this adduser
script and many other Linux programs, default choices are presented in square brackets.
Simply press the Enter key to accept the default, or type the new value if you don't
want to accept the default value. Sometimes (as you will see a little further on
in the adduser utility) you are given two choices--usually y for
yes and n for no--separated by a / or | character. The
item in uppercase is the default choice, which you can use by pressing Enter. The
other choice must be typed explicitly. In the following examples, yes is always the
default choice: [Y/n], [Y|n], [Yn].
The default Group ID of 100 is fine for this new user, so simply press Enter.
In most cases you will not want to change the suggested Group ID.
GID [100]:
Group 'users', GID 100
First unused uid is 501
UID [501]:
The adduser utility did not echo your Group ID choice to the screen.
This can be a little disconcerting if you're not used to it, especially if you look
back and try to figure out what you've done! Most Linux commands don't echo what
you have done, though, so this is a good time to get used to it.
The adduser utility now asks for a UID or User ID. Linux suggests a default
value of 501. Again, the default is fine in this case, so just press Enter.
NOTE: The User ID is
used by Linux whenever it is referring to something you have done. The operating
system is designed to use a number rather than the full login name because it takes
up less room and is easier to manipulate. The User ID is important, and each login
on the system has its own unique number. By convention, UIDs of 500 or less are special
system UIDs; root's UID is 0. Regular users get UIDs starting at 501.
The adduser utility then shows two more prompts asking for the user's
home directory and the shell:
Home Directory [/home/fido]:
Shell [/bin/bash]:
Choose the default values for Home Directory and Shell. I'll
explain more about directories in Chapter 8 and look at different shells in Chapters
10, "bash," 11, "pdksh," and 12, "tcsh."
The default values are suitable for most user IDs.
As a last step, the adduser program asks for a password for the new user.
At the prompt, enter a suitable password. If you press Enter without typing anything
else, the password is set to the same string as the login. This is not recommended,
because it is easy to guess. Even a simple password is better.
Password [fido]:
Information for new user [fido]:
Home directory: [/home/fido] Shell: [/bin/bash]
uid: [501] gid: [100]
Is this correct? [y/N]:
The adduser program now verifies that you are happy with all the information
you have entered. If you are, type y for yes, and press Enter. The default
value (shown by the capital letter) is N for no. If you choose the default,
you are telling the script that the information displayed is not correct, and you
have to start the whole process over again.
When you answer y to the question Is this correct?, the adduser
program creates the new user's directory and adds the user information to the system
configuration files. You see the following information appear on the screen as the
adduser utility does its work. When the utility has finished, you see the
Linux shell prompt again:
Adding login [fido] and making directory [/home/fido]
Adding the files from the /etc/skel directory:
./.less -> /home/fido/./.less
./.lessrc -> /home/fido/./.lessrc
We will look at how to remove unwanted users from your /etc/passwd file
in Chapter 41, "Users."
Now that you have created a new user, you can use it in the next couple of chapters
to explore Linux. To finish with your session as root, log out of the system
by typing logout:
darkstar:~# logout
Welcome to Linux 2.0.0.
darkstar login:
You see the login prompt displayed again. At this point, you can log back in as
root, or as the new user you have just created.
Some systems enable you to log out with the Ctrl-D sequence. If the shell you
are using supports Ctrl-D as a logout command, the login prompt reappears. Otherwise,
you may see a message such as this:
Use "logout" to leave the shell.
If you have used other UNIX systems before, you may be used to using Ctrl-D to
log out. The default shell used by Linux does not support Ctrl-D unless the keymappings
are changed to allow it.
Now we can try out our new login. We can also look at some of the interesting
features and capabilities of Linux.
At the login prompt, type the login name you have just created. If you were conscientious
and assigned a nonzero-length password to your new login, enter the password when
You should now see the following:
darkstar login: fido
Last login: Sun Dec 11 19:14:22 on tty1
Linux 2.0.0.
Quiet! I hear a hacker....
Note that your prompt looks different from the root prompt. The $
prompt indicates that you are a regular user running under the bash shell
(which was the default choice presented by the adduser program). Also, there
is no You have mail message.
NOTE: Linux can be configured
to automatically mail a message to all new users. This can be a greeting, or can
give system information and etiquette.
To see an example of the difference between the root login and a regular
user login, type adduser at the shell prompt and press Enter.
darkstar:~$ adduser
bash: adduser: command not found
The message you get looks somewhat cryptic. However, it has a typical Linux error
message structure, so it's worth taking a little effort to understand it.
First of all, the program that's giving you the message is your shell, bash.
It therefore announces itself with bash:, somewhat like the character in
a play script. Next is the shell's "monologue." Being the "strong
and silent" type of character, bash's monologue is very terse and to
the point. It declares the object that is causing it problems (adduser),
and the problem with this object: the command (adduser) can't be found.
If the error message were expanded into real English, it would go something like
this: "Hi, I'm bash. You know that adduser command you gave
me? I looked everywhere for adduser but I couldn't find it, so I couldn't
perform whatever actions adduser would have specified." With time,
you will get quite good at understanding Linux error message grammar.
Why can root find adduser, but an ordinary user cannot? Linux
has many directories, and each directory can hold many files (one of which can be
the elusive adduser). In theory, Linux could go search through the file
system until it found adduser. But if root accidentally mistyped
adduser as aduser, Linux would have to rummage through every nook
and cranny before finally giving up. This could take 10 or more seconds, and cause
needless wear and tear on your hard drive.
Therefore, Linux has search paths for finding commands (discussed in Chapter 8).
Usually, only a small part of the entire Linux file system is on the search path,
which literally is the path along which Linux searches. Because root makes
use of many system administration programs such as adduser, the directories
that hold these programs are in root's search path. Ordinary users do not
have system administration directories in their search path.
However, if you explicitly tell Linux where a file is located, it does not need
to look through its search path. As it happens, adduser is found in the
/sbin directory. Try running /sbin/adduser.
darkstar:~$ /sbin/adduser
bash: /sbin/adduser: Permission denied
This time, bash could find adduser (because you told it exactly
where to look), but discovered that an ordinary user does not have permission to
run adduser. As you can see, Linux limits the actions of logins to their
privilege level.
Linux, as mentioned earlier, is a multiuser, multitasking system. This means that
more than one login can access the system at the same time, and that each login can
be doing one or more different things all at the same time. A serious multiuser system
will have several terminals (consisting of a keyboard and a display screen) wired
or networked to the main computer unit.
Although you probably don't have any terminals attached to your system, you still
can log in several times under the same or different login names, using your single
keyboard and screen! This magic is performed by using virtual terminals.
Press Alt-F2. When you do so, everything on your screen should disappear, to be
replaced by the following:
Welcome to Linux 2.0.0.
darkstar login:
Log in as your "regular" login (not root). When the shell prompt
is displayed, type who at the prompt and press Enter. You should see the
darkstar:~$ who
fido tty2 Dec 14 01:42
fido tty1 Dec 14 01:40
When you run the Linux command who, your screen displays the names of
all logins currently logged into the system, and where they are logged in from. (Your
login name will appear, of course, instead of fido in the preceding example.)
By convention, tty1 is the main console screen. It is the "normal"
one that appears after Linux has started up, so you don't have to do anything special
to get it. If you have switched to any other virtual consoles, you can return to
tty1 by pressing Alt-F1.
How many virtual screens are active on your system? Try going through all the
Alt-Fn keys. Alternatively, you can scroll through the virtual screens by using the
Alt-right arrow combination to move up through the screens, or Alt-left arrow to
move down.
Quite often you find yourself doing something, perhaps in a long and complicated
program, and realize that you should have done something else first. Flip to another
virtual terminal and do whatever it is.
Another handy use of virtual terminals is when, through experimentation or otherwise,
your screen locks up or starts typing in strange symbols. From a different virtual
terminal, you can try to fix things, or restart the system if necessary.
Linux also comes with a very powerful multitasking windowing environment called
X. Installing and running X Window systems is described in Chapter 21, "Installing
"Run the who command" and "Run who" are
much more common ways of saying "Type who at the prompt and press Enter."
We will use the shorter expressions wherever their meaning is clear. Sometimes people
familiar with Linux drop the word "run," so that one user might tell another,
"I tried who but didn't see anything unusual." It's understood
by the context that when they "tried who," they actually ran it.
Something else you will notice if you are reading carefully is that there seem
to be both Linux programs and Linux commands. A command is what you type at the shell
prompt. For this reason, the combination of the shell prompt and what you type after
it is often called a command line. When you press the Enter key, Linux takes the
command you've entered and tries to perform it. The Linux system has built-in responses
to some commands; for other commands it finds the appropriately named program on
your hard disk and executes that program.
In the strictest sense, then, the command is what you type, and the program is
what performs your command. However, very simple programs with straightforward results,
such as who, are often referred to as commands, although there is actually
a who program on your hard disk. More complicated programs, usually interactive
such as adduser, or open-ended such as a text editor, are called programs.
So you might hear one experienced user tell another, "The adduser program
worked fine. I tried the who command 15 minutes later and the new user had
logged in already."
In this chapter, we assigned a password to the root login and created
a new user ID to be used in the next few chapters. We tried out Linux multitasking,
and we learned some useful Linux terminology tips that will serve us well in the
future (we will try to avoid seeing too many error messages, though). At this point,
you can either ensure that you have logged out of all virtual terminals, or move
on to the following chapters.
In the next two chapters, we will become more familiar with using Linux. In Chapter
7, "Basic Commands," we try out a variety of Linux commands as we exercise
our Linux muscles. In Chapter 8, we learn more about how Linux stores its programs
and data, and explore some of the interesting terrain on your hard drive.
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