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HTML 4.0 Sourcebook
Figure 1.17 Listing of the example home page document home.html. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Instructional and Research Computing </TITLE> </HEAD> <body> [<A HREF=home.html> Home </A>] [<A HREF=help.html> Help </A>] [<A HREF=info.html> Info </A>] [<A HREF=/cgi-bin/mail.pl> Mail </A>] [<A HREF=home.html> Up </A>] [<A HREF=cgi-bin/doc-search.pl>Search</A>] <hr> <H1 ALIGN=center> Instructional and Research Computing </H1> <P>this is the home page of the Instructional and Research Computing Group <strong>(IRC)</STRONG>, one of seven departments of the Division of Computing and Communications. We provide: <UL> <LI>support for <A HREF=MulVis/intro.html>multimedia and visualization techniques</A> <LI>access to and support for <A HREF=HPC/intro.html>high performance computing</A> <LI>support for <A HREF=AdTech/intro.html>adaptive technology</A> (aids for the physically challenged). </UL> <P>Some other useful University resources are:<BR> <A HREF=Lists/Lists.html> WWW Starting Points </A> | <A HREF=Lists/Lists.html> WWW Search Tools</A> | <A HREF=Lists/Libraries.html> Libraries </A> | <A HREF=http://www.utoronto.ca/uoft.html> Main University Home Page </A> <P>if you become lost in our documents use the navigation icons. The <em> home </EM> icon brings you back here, while the <em> up </EM> icon takes up one level in the document hierarchy. <em> Info </EM> and <em> help </EM> are also useful, while the <em> letter</EM> icon let you send us a message, and the <em> search </EM> icon allows you to do a text search of our pages. <HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE> <A HREF=home.html><IMG SRC=home.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Home></A><A HREF=help.html><IMG SRC=ic_help.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Help></A><A HREF=info.html><IMG SRC=ic_info.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Info></A><A HREF=/cgi-bin/mail.pl><IMG SRC=ic_mail.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Mail></A><A HREF=home.html><IMG SRC=ic_up.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Up ></A><A HREF=cgi-bin/doc-search.pl><IMG SRC=ic_find.gif ALIGN=TOP ALT=Search></A> <HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE> <address> <A HREF=Staff/web_admin.html[email protected]</A> </ADDRESS> </BODY></HTML>
Heading Alignment with ALIGN Note also the use of the ALIGN attribute in the heading. The ALIGN attribute can be used with a number of elements (Headings, P, BLOCKQUOTE, ADDRESS, etc.) to define the text alignment within the block; in Figures 1.15 and 1.17, it is used to center the heading on the page. Other possible alignment options are left (the default value) and right, for right-margin aligned text. Sign Documents with an ADDRESSIt is always a good idea to sign HTML documents, particularly the home pages or other major pages. This provides information allowing visitors to send feedback or comments regarding the site. The HTML ADDRESS element is specifically designed for address information and is used for this purpose in Figure 1.17. Here, the ADDRESS element contains an e-mail address suitable for feedback and/or commentary about the site. Also, this e-mail address is placed within an anchor element linked to a page (web_admin.html) containing additional informationfor example, about the server and server administrator. For more personal projects, this might be an HTML document containing a brief biography of the document author. The link may also be a mailto URL containing the indicated email addressclicking on the link will let the reader send mail to the indicated person. Horizontal Dividing Lines with HRAs shown in Figures 1.15 through 1.19, the HR element defines a horizontal divider, which is rendered on the display as a solid dividing line. In HTML 4, this element can take a SIZE attribute to specify the height of the dividing line, in pixels (the default is usually 2), as well as a NOSHADE attribute to specify a solid line (the default is a chiseled line). Note how NOSHADE does not take a value. Other attributes are also supported. These are discussed in Chapter 6. Full Uniform Resource LocatorsLooking at Figure 1.17, note that most of the URL references are relative references. There is one, however, that is not. This is the URL pointing to the Main University Home Page. This is a full URL that specifies the complete information needed to access the main University HTTP server: <http://www.utoronto.ca/uoft.html> A complete HTTP URL has three main parts, as in this example:
The URL scheme allows for many protocols: ftp: for the FTP protocol; gopher: for the gopher protocol; wais: for the WAIS protocol, and so on. Consequently, using URLs, you can create hypertext links to anonymous FTP servers, Gopher sites, WAIS databases, and many other Internet resources. Web browsers are designed to understand these protocols. When they encounter a hypertext reference in an HTML element such as HREF=url, where url points to an anonymous FTP or Gopher site, browsers are able to contact the site, using the appropriate protocol, and access the indicated resource.
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