Red Hat Linux 6.2

The Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide

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Table of Contents
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I. System-Related Reference
1. Red Hat Linux 6.2 New Features
Installation-related Enhancements
System-Related New Features
Miscellaneous New Features
2. System Administration
Filesystem Structure
Special Red Hat File Locations
Users, Groups and User-Private Groups
Configuring Console Access
The floppy Group
User Authentication with PAM
Shadow Utilities
Building a Custom Kernel
Controlling Access to Services
Anonymous FTP
NFS Configuration
The Boot Process, Init, and Shutdown
Rescue Mode
3. System Configuration
System Configuration with linuxconf
System Configuration with the Control Panel
4. PowerTools
PowerTools Packages
Reading the Contents of the CD-ROM
Installing PowerTools Packages
5. Working with Update Agent
Starting Update Agent
Configuring Update Agent
Using Update Agent
6. Package Management with RPM
RPM Design Goals
Using RPM
Impressing Your Friends with RPM
Other RPM Resources
7. Gnome-RPM
Starting Gnome-RPM
The Package Display
Installing New Packages
Package Manipulation
8. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
What is LDAP?
Pros and Cons of LDAP
Uses for LDAP
LDAP Terminology
OpenLDAP Files
OpenLDAP Daemons and Utilities
Modules for Adding Extra Functionality to LDAP
LDAP How To: A Quick Overview
Configuring Your System to Authenticate Using OpenLDAP
LDAP Resources on the Web
II. Installation-Related Reference
9. Preparing for a Text Mode Installation
Things You Should Know
10. Installing Red Hat Linux via Text Mode
The Installation Program User Interface
Starting the Installation Program
Choosing a Language
Selecting a Keyboard Type
Selecting an Installation Method
Identify Disk Partition to Install From
Installing over a Network
Upgrading or Installing
Partitioning Your Disk for Red Hat Linux
Installing LILO
Naming Your Computer
Configuring a Network Connection
Configuring Your Mouse
Configuring the Time Zone
Setting a Root Password
Creating a User Account
Authentication Configuration
Select Packages to Install
Configuring Your Video Adapter
Package Installation
Configuring the X Window System
Creating a Boot Disk
Finishing Up
III. Appendixes
A. General Parameters and Modules
A Note About Kernel Drivers
CD-ROM Module Parameters
SCSI parameters
Ethernet parameters
B. An Introduction to Disk Partitions
Hard Disk Basic Concepts
C. Driver Disks
Why Do I Need a Driver Disk?
D. How to Create a Dual-Boot System
If Your Computer Already Has An Operating System ...
Setting Up a Dual-Boot Environment
Partitioning with FIPS
E. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
What is RAID?
F. Kickstart Installations
What are Kickstart Installations
How Do You Perform a Kickstart Installation?
Starting a Kickstart Installation
The Kickstart File
Kickstart Commands