Ebook banner rotater for Web Programming and Administration
Yourself JavaScript in a Week
Day 1
Chapter 1 Where Does JavaScript
Fit In?
- Overview of Javascript and Navigator
- Strengths and Weaknesses of JavaScript
Chapter 2 Your First Script
- Incorporating JavaScript into HTML
- Command Block structure in JavaScript
- Output functions
From the Web: Dave Eisenberg's
Day 2
Chapter 3 Working with Data
and Information
- Data Types
- Using Variables
- Assignment Expressions
- Operators
Chapter 4 Functions and
Objects: The Building Blocks of Programs
- Defining Functions
- Creating new objects, properties and methods
- Using arrays
From the Web: Ashley Cheng's
Ideal Weight Calculator
Day 3
Chapter 5 Events in JavaScript
- onLoad
- Click
- onChange, and more
Chapter 6 Creating Interactive
- The form object
- Working with form elements: button, checkbox, etc.
From the Web: Michael Yu's
Civic Car Viewer
Day 4
Chapter7 Loops
- for ... in loop
- While loop
- break and continue statements
Chapter 8 Frames, Documents,
and Windows
- Working with frames
- Working with the status bar
- Controlling the timing of scripts
From the Web: James Thiele's
Reminder Calendar
Day 5
Chapter 9 Remember Where
You've Been with Cookies
- Cookies and CGI
- Using cookies in JavaScript
- The navigator object
Chapter 10 Strings, Math,
and the History List
- Manipulating the content of strings
- The Math object
- Building dynamic forward and back buttons
From the Web: Michal Sramka's
Matches Game
Day 6
Chapter 11 Having Fun with
- Build a face application
- Provide a random face button
Chapter 12 Creating a Spreadsheet
in JavaScript
- Build a Working Spreadsheet
- Save Expressions between sessions
From the Web: CCAS Indirect
Cost Worksheet
Day 7
Chapter 13 Navigator Gold:
A JavaScript Development Tool
- Developing JavaScript in Navigator Gold
- Features of Navigator Gold
Chapter 14 From JavaScript
to Java�Looking into the Future
- Basic Java concepts
- Incorporating Java applets in HTML
- The APPLET tag
- Similarities between JavaScript and Java
Appendix A JavaScript Reference
Appendix B JavaScript Language
Appendix C Glossary